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Caption this.
  • Boner's star.

  • Mac & Pleas
  • Guilty on all counts!

  • Mac 'n Cheesesteak
  • I thought we were friends.

  • FCC rule would make carriers unlock all phones after 60 days
  • From the HN Discussion, by paxys:

    I don't think people realize that the US is the only market in the world where phones are carrier locked, and in fact the only market where carriers have so much power over the features and overall experience of your phone. Mobile carriers dictate that a phone has to be sold with a locked bootloader. They decide if/when the phone should get OS updates. They are the ones who fill the phone with bloatware. Up until a few years ago the phone had a more prominent logo of the cell carrier than the company that actually made it.

    US carriers have used their government-granted monopolies to influence the market wayy beyond phone calls and data plans, and it's about time it should end.

    That's why it sounds weird for the rest of the World.

  • NASA selects SpaceX to build deorbit vehicle for International Space Station
  • Will they save all those Thinkpads?

  • Second-Gen Walkcar, the Smallest Yet Most Powerful e-Scooter, Is Here
  • Walkcar vs. Curb

    Maybe will be useful at a warehouse or a long (laminar) corridors?

  • Word
  • Balls

  • Mecharoni and Cheese
  • Eat this!

  • Show HN: I built an indie, browser-based MMORPG
  • Better than the Metaverse.

  • Mac 'n Cheesesteak
  • Vegan steak, right? Right...?

  • Wrong Answers Only: what is this style called?
  • Nickelodeon after midnight.

  • I got an old Cisco AP and I looked inside!
  • If you surprised why it has a PowerPC CPU. It's actually a SoC.
    From the manual:

    AMCC PowerPC 405 32-bit RISC processor core operating up to 333MHz with 16KB D-and I-caches.

    Designed specifically to address embedded applications, the PowerPC 405EP (PPC405EP), provides a high-performance, low-power solution that interfaces to a wide range of peripherals by incorporating on-chip power management features and lower power dissipation requirements.

  • Docker email server to host mail archive
  • I think imapsync will fulfill your needs.

  • The complete list of European news websites blocked by Russia on the 25th of June 2024
  • Is there a list for the other continents?

  • Why English language is sometimes "lazy", sometimes not

    (non-native speaker)

    Is there a reason why the English language has "special" words for a specific topic, like related to court (plaintiff, defendant, warrant, litigation), elections/voting (snap election, casting a ballot)?

    And in other cases seems lazy, like firefighter, firetruck, homelessness (my favorite), mother-in-law, newspaper.

    Cheese Volcano Pizza
  • How did it survive transport?

  • What's the worst hacking scene from any movie or show?
  • Not the worst, but funny:
    Haker (2002): emacs through sendmail [english subtitles].

  • What's the most stupid trend (or fad) you participated in yourself?
  • As a child, [bootleg] Tamagotchi?

    Buying a new (or used) phone every 1-2 years?
    Nowadays, they are boring.

  • Innovation makes useful things smaller - overconsumption makes them bigger and more meaningless

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    Rhode Island DMV Is Trying To Ban Kei Trucks Again Rhode Island DMV Is Trying To Ban Kei Trucks Again

    After taking a few years off, the Rhode Island DMV is again trying to revoke Kei truck owners' registrations but a Senator is trying to help.

    Rhode Island DMV Is Trying To Ban Kei Trucks Again

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    'Underwater bicycle' propels swimmers forward at superhuman speed

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    > HN Discussion

    Pizza cushions

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    > cross-posted from: > > > ##### This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot. > > The original was posted on /r/nostalgia by /u/fuzzusmaximus on 2024-05-03 04:06:56. > >

    ‘Can you catch it as well?’: bird stunt causes flap in European parliament ‘Can you catch it as well?’: bird stunt causes flap in European parliament

    Slovakian MEP pulls dove from bag and frees it as ‘symbol of peace’, prompting criticism from colleagues

    ‘Can you catch it as well?’: bird stunt causes flap in European parliament

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    > Direct link to video > >

    Police in Japan have arrested a 36-year-old man on suspicion of selling illegally modified Pokémon save data to customers online Japanese Police Arrest 36-Year-Old Man on Suspicion of Tampering With Pokémon Violet Save Data - IGN

    Police in Japan have arrested a 36-year-old man on suspicion of selling illegally modified Pokémon save data to customers online — a practice which is banned under the country’s 2019 Unfair Competition Prevention Act.

    Japanese Police Arrest 36-Year-Old Man on Suspicion of Tampering With Pokémon Violet Save Data - IGN
    Paris votes on SUVs: voters back proposal to triple parking fees for SUV drivers Paris votes on SUVs: voters back proposal to triple parking fees for SUV drivers

    The French capital's mayor hailed a 'clear choice of Parisians' in favor of a measure that is 'good for our health and good for the planet.'

    Paris votes on SUVs: voters back proposal to triple parking fees for SUV drivers

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    > En français

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