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Bulletins and News Discussion from December 16th to December 22nd, 2024 - Assad's Apology

Image is of Assad's presidential palace in 2013. There's more images of it in this article, though the words in it aren't worth reading.

Here is Assad's version of events. I like to imagine he's making one of those Youtuber apology videos where they sigh at the start and talk in a chastised yet somewhat defensive tone of voice.

As terrorism spread across Syria and ultimately reached Damascus on the evening of Saturday 7th December 2024, questions arose about the president's fate and whereabouts. This occurred amidst a flood of misinformation and narratives far removed from the truth, aimed at recasting international terrorism as a liberation revolution for Syria.

At such a critical juncture in the nation’s history, where truth must take precedence, it is essential to address these distortions. Unfortunately, the prevailing circumstances at the time, including a total communication blackout for security reasons, delayed the release of this statement. This does not replace a detailed account of the events that unfolded, which will be provided when the opportunity allows.

First, my departure from Syria was neither planned nor did it occur during the final hours of the battles, as some have claimed. On the contrary, I remained in Damascus, carrying out my duties until the early hours of Sunday 8th December 2024. As terrorist forces infiltrated Damascus, I moved to Latakia in co-ordination with our Russian allies to oversee combat operations. Upon arrival at the Hmeimim airbase that morning, it became clear that our forces had completely withdrawn from all battle lines and that the last army positions had fallen. As the field situation in the area continued to deteriorate, the Russian military base itself came under intensified attack by drone strikes.

With no viable means of leaving the base, Moscow requested that the base’s command arrange an immediate evacuation to Russia on the evening of Sunday 8th December. This took place a day after the fall of Damascus following the collapse of the final military positions and the resulting paralysis of all remaining state institutions.

At no point during these events did I consider stepping down or seeking refuge, nor was such a proposal made by any individual or party. The only course of action was to continue fighting against the terrorist onslaught.

I reaffirm that the person who, from the very first day of the war, refused to barter the salvation of his nation for personal gain, or to compromise his people in exchange for numerous offers and enticements is the same person who stood alongside the officers and soldiers of the army on the front lines, just metres from terrorists in the most dangerous and intense battlefields. He is the same person who, during the darkest years of the war, did not leave but remained with his family alongside his people, confronting terrorism under bombardment and the recurring threats of terrorist incursions into the capital over 14 years of war. Furthermore, the person who has never abandoned the resistance in Palestine and Lebanon, nor betrayed his allies who stood by him, cannot possibly be the same person who would forsake his own people or betray the army and nation to which he belongs.

I have never sought positions for personal gain but have always considered myself as a custodian of a national project, supported by the faith of the Syrian people, who believed in its vision. I have carried an unwavering conviction in their will and ability to protect the state, defend its institutions, and uphold their choices to the very last moment.

When the state falls into the hands of terrorism and the ability to make a meaningful contribution is lost, any position becomes void of purpose, rendering its occupation meaningless. This does not, in any way, diminish my profound sense of belonging to Syria and her people – a bond that remains unshaken by any position or circumstance. It is a belonging filled with hope that Syria will once again be free and independent.

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    Yemeni missile dodges 2 Israeli interceptors before striking in Tel Aviv.

    • That's why highly agile kinetic interceptors are usually preferred for this scenario, those two explosions did nothing to change the course of the projectile.

      What's happening here is an energy defeat scenario, the MaRV (Maneuverable Re-entry Vehicle) of the Palestine-2, or Fattah-1 extended range variant as I like to call it, likely conducts pseudo random evasive maneuvers throughout it's flight path, in addition to performing a "pull up" maneuvere and a glide phase, before hitting the target. I say pseudo random as these are pre programmed maneuveres, added to it's flight path before launch. The MaRV is not reacting to anything, it's just carrying out it's programmed flight path. Of course, if you know the location of air defence sites and launchers beforehand, these pre programmed maneuveres can be made a whole lot more effective. We can see how the two interceptors made a turn, likely because the MaRV turned in that direction beforehand. But when the MaRV turns back, the interceptors do not have enough energy or time to change course and get close enough before detonation.

      The MaRV of the Palestine-2, like the Fattah-1, is suspected of containing its own thrust vectoring sustainer rocket motor as part of the MaRV itself, which gives it an energy source seperate from its ballistic energy, allowing it to fly trajectories that would otherwise not be possible as the energy required would not exist, flying under or over the coverage nets of anti ballistic missile defence systems, gliding for long periods of time, potentially carrying out multiple "pull up" manoeuvres and glide phases, maybe even a skip and glide trajectory. MaRVs without a sustainer rocket motor or a lift generating body/wings can also do this in theory, but they are far more energy limited, they only have their ballistic energy to work with and no energy source of their own. These suspicions, with regards to a sustainer rocket motor, were further validated after this photo came out from the strike that ended up hitting a school yesterday (not this strike), where a picture of a rocket motor was taken at the impact site. Initially it was thought to be part of Israeli Arrow 3 interceptors, but that seems unlikely now given that Israel say that the interception failed.

      With the ability to penetrate Israel's anti ballistic missile defence, the next problem to solve is accuracy for these medium range ballistic missiles. As of right now, they do not appear to have the accuracy for counterforce targeting, which the shorter range systems do have. If or when that's solved, these missiles can become a formidable weapon, essentially an airstrike without needing a plane or air force.