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[Itch] Free RPG Day Bundle - 30 games & zines (100% off - $0) [ends June 24th 3am Eastern]

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The original was posted on /r/gamedeals by /u/CataclysmicKnight on 2024-06-22 17:41:45+00:00.

Note: these are analog games, not video games

TODAY is Free RPG Day, and we decided to run a bundle with some friends and other awesome creators. You get 30 of our best, newest, and most "us" creations for the low, low price of FREE! If you pay anything (including $1) they'll also be linked to your account, but that's 100% optional. Any purchases are also split between creators, so you'll be supporting small creators! 🥳

Check it out here --> 

And, to all of you other RPG creators out there, I hope you make something free for the weekend too 🧡 Please reply here if you do, I'd love to check out what you make! Or if you know of other Free RPG Day freebies!