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Abortion is becoming more common in primary care clinics as doctors challenge stigma Abortion is becoming more common in primary care clinics as doctors challenge stigma

More family medicine and primary care doctors are doing abortions and questioning why it’s been separated from other care for decades.

Abortion is becoming more common in primary care clinics as doctors challenge stigma

In lieu of standalone clinics offering abortions, or telehealth appointments where patients get abortion medication by mail, family doctors are offering an abortion option in a familiar setting.

This trend of primary care integrating medication or procedural abortions, usually in early pregnancy, is growing in states where abortion is legal. While there is little data on how common this is becoming, NPR heard from primary care doctors across the country who said they are expanding their practices to provide abortion care.

There's no reason for this care to be siloed,” says Arnold, who is very public about her offerings, which include abortions up to 12 weeks of pregnancy and gender-affirming care. “I don't feel like it's any different than my management of diabetes or chronic pain or endometriosis — this is just a routine part of my day.”