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Now that I have everything, I want nothing...

This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.

The original was posted on /r/steamdeck by /u/Odd-Technology-7317 on 2024-06-27 00:04:02+00:00.

I remember, the sheer joy of going to EB Games on my lunch break to pick up a pre-order I had made for one of my many hand-held devices... Grand Theft Auto on the PSP? I was so excited! Tomb Raider Legend? Blew my mind I was getting the same experience as console owners! Picked up the PS Vita at launch, a DS, a Switch, you name it...

This was alllll the way up to the recent release of DOOM Eternal on the Nintendo Switch, I woke up at midnight to start the download so it would be ready for me when I woke up at 6am and headed into work, and boy, was it amazing...

Now I have it all, Resident Evil 4 Remake on the go? Absolutely! Grand Theft Auto 5 in my backpack? Of course!

This isn't a complaint, far from it and not even a first world problem - I have options now, like I know that when DOOM Dark Ages drops, I can take it to work, day 1, no waiting on a handheld release and hoping that it's any good. I can play pretty much anything on release and on the go apart from console exclusives, and even they seem to make their way to the Deck now.

But does anyone else feel like now you have it all, there's a little less excitement? It sounds... silly, but I don't really look forward to handheld releases anymore, because there's really no such thing. The pools almost infinite now, I can swim anywhere, and I have. No looking at early impressions of DOOM 2016 on a Nintendo Switch Lite and thinking, "Holy shit, this is incredible!" while licking my lips. Now it's like, GTA 6 will come to PC, and I shrug and think, "Sure, having it with me everywhere is just the norm."

Maybe I am older, maybe I'm burned out on gaming and need something fresh, I did smash through everything I had even a slight interest in since getting the Steam Deck and I love that I'm future-proofed for anything new (either with my current Steam Deck or future handheld PC iterations), but it's just funny to me.

I miss that feeling of waking up on 'Game Day' with a big smile on my face, knowing I was going to pick up my pre-order or download something to my handheld.

Anyway, just making a discussion, more curious if anyone 'get's where I am coming from is all :)