Whatever happened to color-changing roof tiles that absorb heat in winter and reflect it in summer?
Whatever happened to color-changing roof tiles that absorb heat in winter and reflect it in summer?
(PhysOrg.com) -- Anyone who has ever stepped barefoot onto blacktop pavement on a hot sunny day knows the phenomenon very well: Black surfaces absorb the sun's heat very efficiently, producing a toe-scorching surface. In the wintertime, that can be a good thing: A dark roof heats up in the sun and h...
The article is from 2009. It presents new roof tiles that become black in winter in order absorb heat from the sun, and white in summer to reflect it. I still can't buy these as far as I'm aware. What happened to that? They do write
Savings from the black state in winter have yet to be quantified.
So maybe it turned out that it wasn't worth it compared to tiles that are white year round?