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FACT FOCUS: Here's a look at some of the false claims made during Biden and Trump's first debate FACT FOCUS: Here's a look at some of the false claims made during Biden and Trump's first debate

The Associated Press examines false and misleading statements made by Donald Trump and Joe Biden as they prepare to face off in the Election 2024 presidential debate.

FACT FOCUS: Here's a look at some of the false claims made during Biden and Trump's first debate
  • Look... Nobody wants either of them (besides hardcore fanboys on either side). I've never been a Democrat and I've never been a Republican. Like most everyone, I'm somewhere in the middle. We've been either voting for the guy that's not as bad or voting against the other guy out of spite. And it sucks. Our voting system is fucked and our government and corporations are out to fuck us over just like they always have been. But at the end of the day, I'm just an average American and I want to continue to be an average American. I have a job, responsibilities, friends, family, dreams and ambitions. Everyday I look forward to a good old night of games with the boys as we bullshit and have a good time regardless of political views. And you know what? I don't want that to fucking change. The system is fucked in so many ways but at the end of the day I'd rather vote for the guy that's old and can barely form a coherent sentence than the guy that genuinely wants to ruin this country for his own personal God complex.

    I know the world is fucked. I know the US is fucked. I know that thousands of people are dying in Gaza as Biden plays the idiot. But just think of how much fucking worse it could be. I read through Project 2025. I read through that whole fucking piece of garbage. It could be so much fucking worse.

    On the bright side, these guys are so damn old they probably won't even make it to the next election. So maybe next time we can try and get candidates that actually act like fucking people. I mean, probably not. But I'd rather be hopeful for the future than gamble everything on a stupid fucking election between and giant douche and turd sandwich.