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Pi-Hole DHCP and Virgin Media Hub 5

I have the Pi-Hole acting as the DHCP server and DNS server too and this works fine for 23 hours and then it flops and I don't understand why.

Basically after 24 hours, all devices just disconnect from the router and when I try and reconnect them, they say they're unable to get an IP address.

But before they drop connection, they all report the DNS server as the Pi-Hole.

If I change my DHCP to static and connect to my router, I see that the Pi-Hole is still connected with its static IP just fine.

If I factory reset the router and then add the same SSID and password, the Pi-Hole automatically reconnects and then all devices can reconnect again, so I'm unsure what the issue is.

Can someone break this down. I feel stupid for not understanding what's happening here.

  • if you can see pi-hole from the router, can you connect to it over SSH and see what pings and what it thinks the network looks like?

    Also did the VM router just turn DHCP back on with the wrong settings?

    Is pi-hole over WiFi? if it is that could your issue, DHCP/DNS should be over cable as they are required for stable networking

    • if you can see pi-hole from the router, can you connect to it over SSH and see what pings and what it thinks the network looks like?

      I've just confirmed that I can't SSH to it, it says

      ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host
      • yeah, your PI zero goes to renew its DHCP lease and cant as its lost its IP and so cant see the DHCP server its running.

        I would read up on how to set a debian static IP, that way you know how and your Pi zero will work all the time