Which games did you grab
Which games did you grab

Especially great deals on some of the all-time greats

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The original was posted on /r/steamdeals by /u/The_Cat_Dad165 on 2024-07-03 15:33:17+00:00.
So I currently am looking for cheap games to build my library up while the summer sale is still going on. I just got a steam deck a month ago and wanted to try some pc games although they didn't have to be. Anything under $5 or around that. So far I've grabbed
Hollow knight Batman Arkham Knight Celeste Dead rising 3 Doom 2016 Dragon Age Origins Firewatch Frostpunk Just cause 3 Middle earth shadow of war Need for speed payback Portal 1 & 2 Star Wars Jedi fallen order STAR wars KOTR The Surge Tales of Berseria Undertale
What games have you guys picked up that are great deals?