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"Privacy-Preserving" Attribution: Mozilla Disappoints Us Yet Again

"Privacy-Preserving" Attribution: Mozilla Disappoints Us Yet Again

  • Look, everything is going to disappoint us. Everything runs off a profit motive, and it turns out profit is immoral.

  • From the article, quoting a Firefox dev explaining the decision:

    @McCovican @jonny @mathew @RenewedRebecca Opt-in is only meaningful if users can make an informed decision. I think explaining a system like PPA would be a difficult task. And most users complain a lot about these types of interruption.

    In my opinion an easily discoverable opt-out option + blog posts and such were the right decision.

    puts on They Live glasses

    @McCovican @jonny @mathew @RenewedRebecca If we had made it opt in, then not a single human being on the planet would have enabled it, and we didn’t want that

  • Mozilla pays its CEOs millions and millions of dollars. They exist to get funding from Chrome to look like there is competition in the industry.