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Engage Winnipeg: Transportation Master Plan: 2050 Transportation Master Plan: 2050

TRANSPORTATION 2050: Reimagining Mobility is the product of our nearly five-year TMP2050 project. It is our master plan for moving Winnipeg’s transportation system forward. The plan is a comprehensive strategic document that outlines the methods and means to move our

Transportation Master Plan: 2050
  • And empower people to travel by their preferred mode

    So, that means Portage and Main will allow pedestrians and cyclists to cross?

  • TRANSPORTATON 2050 defines reimagined mobility as a transportation system where:

    • Half of trips are made using sustainable mobility options
    • Sustainable transportation is the most desirable option for everyday travel
    • An efficient network provides access and mobility to both people and goods
    • People of all ages and abilities to safely move around without experiencing death or serious injury

    To put reimagination into practice, the plan sets four targets:

    1. Economic prosperity: Goods can move efficiently by air, rail, and truck, ensuring support for economic growth
    1. Mode share: Winnipeggers make 50 percent of trips by walking, cycling, transit and ride sharing by 2050
    1. Road safety: Achieve a 20 percent reduction in fatal and serious injury collisions by 2026
    1. Accessibility and equity: The transportation system is designed and built to be accessible and affordable to all Winnipeggers

    To reach these targets, TRANSPORTATION 2050 provides a roadmap that will allow us to:

    • Prioritize maintaining existing infrastructure over building new infrastructure
    • Make strategic investments to move more people and goods using the roads we have
    • Support development of complete communities where people can access their daily needs within a short distance
    • And empower people to travel by their preferred mode