All games using a proton version higher than 5 are failing to launch
Hi All,
Been bashing my head against this one, rebuild my OS yesterday, running linux mint and reinstalled steam, but can't get anything to run on a proton version higher than 5 - i'm sure i'm missing something but don't know what.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
OS: Linux Mint 21.2 x86_64
Kernel: 6.2.0-31-generic
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3800XT
GPU: AMD ATI Radeon RX 5500/5500M
Ok so I've fixed it, appears to have been an issue with the tool having come from my backup rather than installed directly.
couldn't uninstall due to "missing shared content" so i deleted the file and verified integrity so it downloaded them - everything is now running perfectly, tried a few different games and they are working great.
but that's awesome you figured it out and shared the solution here. There's nothing about this out there that is searchable. Thanks for the learning lesson!
Somewhere late in the Proton 5.x cycle (I think it was 5.13) Valve introduced Steam Runtime version 2: Soldier, which uses bubblewrap containers to solve various problems with host system libraries, but also broke some things. For example, it wants a newish version of bwrap and no longer works inside most other containers (except for Flatpak, which added special functionality to accommodate it).
If you're not using your own containers, I imagine upgrading to a recent version of Linux Mint might help, by giving you a newer version of bubblewrap, and/or enabling user namespaces (which bwrap uses) if they weren't already enabled.
Alternatively, if you're comfortable running code from Flathub, you might consider using the Steam flatpak instead of your distro's native package.
Once upon a time, Flathub also had community-built versions of Proton that were stripped of their container functionality. I don't know if those are still maintained.
If you could show an error message in the terminal either I or another person could help you. I'm guessing you've already searched the internet for a solution since you went through the painful process of re-installing the whole nine. What a marathon you're running! Anyway, to run steam game in the terminal, you have to know the game id, which is a long number. If I'm correct (someone, if this is wrong, please correct me!), you would type something like this in the terminal: steam steam://rungameid/{YourGameID}
Yeah, the glaring "permissions denied" is right smack in the middle of all that. Then it just continues like that to the very end. One thing that makes no sense to me: manually changing the permissions on every single game. I'm a basic Linux boy and I do basic things, so don't do what I'd do. What I'd try doing: changing the permissions in the .steam folder to the correct permissions, applying them to all the enclosed files and folders. I'd even have the stones to do it in the graphical UI left clicking on the .steam folder out of sheer basic laziness. My solution is totally basic and dumb, because it does not foresee new games being acquired through steam, which could revert back to the erroneous permissions. I searched for the error message to see what is relevant, nobody is reporting this problem, so, you're unique. What a way to feel special, right? I'll keep looking shit up like you're doing. While we're busy with that, someone more competent will come to your rescue, for sure.