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"Beware the Rise of Superweeds: Mowing’s Unintended Consequences" Beware the Rise of Superweeds: Mowing’s Unintended Consequences

Research indicates that frequent mowing of Solanum elaeagnifolium enhances its defensive traits, making it more resilient and potentially a superweed. The study highlights the necessity for updated weed management practices that consider the adaptive responses of invasive plants to disturbances.

Beware the Rise of Superweeds: Mowing’s Unintended Consequences

"Findings in both studies showed that the more silverleaf nightshade was mowed, the more it developed ways to avoid destruction, Kariyat said. The taproot went down further, nearly 5 feet deep, in the first generation of mowed plants. More spikes popped out on the stem as a defense against caterpillars feeding on the flowers. The flowers became more toxic to caterpillars, leading to less pressure from natural predators."

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