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Next thing you're gonna tell me they often reused a cave set or ran the same footage of a Klingon Bird of Prey explosion

The TNG shot is from the inside of a Dyson sphere somewhere in the Alpha Quadrant, whereas the VOY shot is from the inside of a Starfleet R&D hanger on Earth.


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  • I'm trying (and failing) to find an image, but I want to say they re-reused it again in ENT when they entered one of the spheres in the Delphic Expanse.

    Edit: Nevermind. I was thinking of TNG: Relics after all.

    • What episode? is fairly thorough outside of very particular frames.

      • I thought it was The Council but I was totally mixing up the Dyson sphere in Relics (which is in the meme) with the Delphic sphere they entered.

        The one in ENT was just a hologram.

        • Right. Just the entrance was a hologram. The spheres themselves were still quite massive and numerous.

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