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[Volcel Police Violation] Are you supposed to fondly remember the first time you had sex or is that just a meme?

I just realised that "like it's your first time" has a positive connotation I guess, but like... motherfucker? Do most people have non-awful first-time experiences of sex? Between garbage sex ed and cisheteronormativity I just can't imagine. I doubt it was even momentous for most people tbh? Idk.


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  • If it's possible you're supposed to remember it with fondness. Why would you do something voluntarily with the expectation of poor outcomes and memories?

    I think the key is forgetting all expectation of you/your sex and of your frailties. It is what it is; work with it.

    I refer it with fondness. My childhood was so messed up that I wouldn't be able to live with myself if it wasn't. I got lucky. Not being an arsehole helps.

    • Why would you do something voluntarily with the expectation of poor outcomes and memories?

      What if, instead of that, you just did it because you had a lot of libido at the time and woefully insufficient knowledge? What if your partner was abusive? What if you needed to change your body and did not know yet?

      • Yes, of course. Having a lot of libido excuses abuse of another.

        Anyone read any more. No. Me neither.

        • Okay so instead of that, what if we add some context: I was the abused partner, only even having sex because hormones literally gave me libido. My partner took this opportunity to use me as her very own realdoll even long into my transition. There are many reasons why someone would continue to have sex despite being abused; it took me years to be able to say "no".

          You can always just do the least charitable possible read, but that's not very cool.

          • I get the being abused thing - I do. that's why it's called feminism not egalitarianism. It's not about equality, never was.

            Men don't report abuse because they get arrested and disbelieved. I understand. It happened to me too.

            In the UK there's support for abused men .

            I'm old now. I don't care whether I'm cool in anyone's definition. I would suggest that your transition to the sex that abused you, seems to be self abuse; some form of further appeasement. I am not experienced or qualified to make that assertion.

            I wish you very well. Much love and hugs.

            • what-the-hell

            • I would suggest that your transition to the sex that abused you, seems to be self abuse;

              Are you John Money, or perhaps J Michael Bailey, or maybe even Sigmund Freud? You do not know the first thing ahout me and you make this ridiculous assumption. Quick, did my transition predate or postdate the sexual abuse? When did the sexual abuse start to begin with? Who on earth are you to be psychoanalysing queer people with reductive queerphobic trash takes like this?

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