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One in six Tory voters are likely to be dead by the next election. Assuming nothing else changes, the total impact of demographic change alone would mean +29 seats for Labour and -34 for the Cons


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  • Logan's Run it!

    • Ill assume you are 28+ and have decided its not worth it.

      Id offer help. But id likely make it worse.

      • Oh I'd be toast in Logan's Run but the sacrifice would be worth it to keep the Tories out.

        • I think we may need more then just removing the old from logins run.

          Older people turn right not due to being old. But due to responsibilities (children also depts etc but mainly children) and the need to protect that wealth to cover responsibilities.

          So to ensure we don't just end up with people turning right at a younger age. We would need to remove generational wealth. IE the whole idea of being able to make life better or worse for your children. As the risk of having nothing to aid your children is the pressure that turns many right.

          So we need to move to nationalised breeding programs and state raising of children.

          Much like the show indicated.

          Honestly add the invention of teleportation and nationalisation of tinder gets us pretty close to how the show managed that as well.

          • So we need to move to nationalised breeding programs and state raising of children.

            That's been tried, didn't work out well.

            • Did you get the very first job you applied for?

              Win the very first game of any sport.

              Yeah you get the point. As much as I am kidding about removing children from parents etc.

              Something failing in the past is not evidence of it invalidity as a solution. Just the need to reevaluate the methodology.

              Maybe matrix should be our movie rather the logins run on that part. ;) remove all human interaction untill adult and brainwash the little shitheads to vote appropriately.

              • Win the very first game of any sport.

                I have yet to win any game of sport, unless games count.

                • Grins no difference here. I wanted to use England World Cup. But other then 66 I have absolutely no idea if we ever won before that.

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