SRS rule
SRS rule
SRS rule
What a fucking power move.
"freshly surged"
Come on, dying to know what his response was.
You can’t respond after that
apparently they're estranged and don't really speak
Probably good
There was no response, he spontaneously combusted upon seeing it like it was the face of God
I feel sad for both of them
Yeah it's sad to have a dad that's this much of an asshole.
The dad still said happy birthday and I love you only to get that text back. Older folks are exposed to a lot of propaganda and many are brainwashed (the hint in this case is the "God bless you"). Without more context I'm hesitant to call him an asshole.
Based on this small exchange I'd be more inclined to say they are both assholes.
It's just sad that they can't look past this and love each other regardless.
So you think its OK to send a unsolicited pic of your genitaila, to your dad, given that its because he misgendered you?
Anyone sending unsolicited pics of their balooga, is never OK... In fact. It could actually be a crime. Neither of you come off well in this interaction.
You're right, they should have just put up with more abuse. How old are you again?
I seem to be getting a good number votes in both directions, to those down voting me, do you think unsolicited cock/pussy pics are OK? Cus if you do, you are the problem. The dad is a bigot and massively in the wrong, but OP is no better with that response. Both deplorable.
holy gigabased
I think, you're more gross than anything that is in this post.
Father didn't lose a son, he rejected a daughter. If he cannot accept his own daughter because of being transphobic shithead, he deserves to suffer
Just because it's kinda gross doesn't mean you need to misgender somenone you dingbat
Poor father had to see his daughters pussy because he refused to respect her 🥺
Will nobody think of the bigots?!
Fuck off forever transphobe
Consider the cleansing nature of fire.
The father didn’t “lose” anyone. His daughter is still right there, he could have a loving and close relationship with her if he chose to accept her for who she is. He didn’t lose his son, he chose to reject his daughter.
Choosing to not support your children is how you become estranged from your children, not something to feel sorry for the parent for. It just makes the father a piece of shit. This statement is true of all shitty parents, not just transphobic shitbags.
Hey look it's that thing where somebody says something so brick fucking stupid you can't tell if you're looking at an actual moron or a really solid parody.
Poe's Law
Not sure you understand mutilating too well huh
Is this a joke i'm missing or
Just a transphobe
Dad is still harassing her. She got revenge. Pretty awesomr actually.
This very world, especially where people like you cannot accept others for who they are.
Yep, that'll fuckin do it.
It probably still won't unfortunately.
She needs to go back to the surgeon. A pussy shouldn't have sharp angles like that.
pussy so sharp it [i am not witty enough to continue this joke]
tenderly he caressed her surging kneecaps
Had to be sorted out somehow, did it not?
Did anyone else read that as “sugared?”