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Next Page doesn't load on Local/All

Hello, not sure if this is specific to, my account, me, or something else, but I'm posting anyway. The following is happening on my laptop (LMDE6) using Firefox (128.0/64) while logged into

  • Clicking next while logged into on either Local or All view times out after the first page (screenies below).
  • When on Subscribed view the next button works and new pages load.
  • If logged out, the next button in Local and All views work to load a new page.
  • Clearing browser and session data, and using a container tab hasn't made a difference.
  • Tried above on two other computers: another LMDE6 with firefox, and a Windows 10 with Chrome (latest) with the same results.
  • The problem doesn't happen on two other lemmy 0.95 instances that I have accounts on (, and in the same browser, using the same Lemmy settings (default, but dark mode) apart from my subscriptions and blocks.

  • click next

  • it sits here thinking for a while

  • then times out.
  • It loads on my end for both Local and All (sorted by Hot)..

    Anything in the browser's console that might help us find a root cause?

    • On the Chrome browser the console spits this error out after each timeout, complaining about client.js:

      edit: Removed irrelevant console dump.

      GET 504 (Gateway Timeout)
    • Comparing GET requests for the next page between logged-in and logged-out, the only difference in the request headers is the addition of an Authorization field in the logged-in GET.

      The response from the server for my logged-in requests is a 504 gateway timeout page from Cloudflare telling me to try again in a few minutes, and providing a unique Cloudflare Ray ID each time. Same thing on Windows/Chrome when logged in.

      Example ray id: 8a92cf221ff78431