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Adult pool goers - what do people even do at the pool?

If I'm an adult who wants to experience splashing around and wading round the pool, but whose swimming capabilities extend as far as doggy paddling to safety and floating on my back - what can I even do to have fun at the pool?

What do you do at the pool?

Bonus round: kind of out of my budget to pay for swimming classes, and available friends & family are nil. :c
But I borrowed a life jacket from a coworker, and could buy cheap floaties or a pool noodle.

  • Learning to swim in a pool with a shallow end isn't too difficult for an adult. Just don't pay attention to assholes or give up because it doesn't come naturally.

    Watch a video or two to learn the motions (breast stroke is easiest, but freestyle or side crawls are also good to start with), then just get in the pool (shallow end, please). Start by crouching down to the level of your mouth, and breathing through your nose. Become comfortable with water near your mouth.

    Then dip your nose into the water and blow out through it at the same time (blowing bubbles). You'll quickly get the hang of holding pressure in your airways so that water doesn't enter when you dive below the surface. Once you get to that point, start laying face down in the water. You don't even have to be stiff, or try to swim, just get used to having your back towards the sky. Finally, after the 20 minutes this will probably take you, start trying to mimic the motions on the videos you watched. Again, ignore the feeling that you suck at this, because everyone sucks at it when starting. You're just an adult, so you realize how bad you are at the beginning, just like when learning a new instrument. With an hour or so of attempts, you'll have a pretty good idea of how to move around the pool.

  • Exercise.

    Arthritis, and other musculoskeletal problems put me on the disabled list a long time ago. So, if I want anything resembling sustained cardio, it's water or jerking off. Or both, I guess.

    Point being that water based exercise is a wonderful thing when you have any kind of mobility issues. You get resistance without stress on joints, or at least a lot less stress. So you can bust your ass and get some good work in instead of doing fifteen minutes and needing a handful of NSAIDs and the rest of the day to recover.

    I just wish I could go more often. We don't have a pool in our town that's even semi useful for that. The YMCA the next town over has times set aside, but it's a tough thing to schedule in.

  • I used to have access to a unsupervised swimming pool and would get a floaty chair and I just vibe floating around.

    The kids would sometimes push me around like a game of pong.

    But I like being in the water with friends and a loud speaker playing EDM.

  • Get one of those masks that also cover your nose, it will make going under water 10000x easier, you just have to worry about closing your mouth. The way I learned was by hanging on one side of the pool and using the wall to give myself some insertia, and then figure out the movements to keep going. Doing underwater backflips can also be fun. I don't to to public pools because they disgust me, but when I am in a pool I like jumping in and finding out the biggest splash I can make with friends. Stupid but fun stuff

  • I like playing ball in the pool. With how stupid it looks, it burns a lot of energy while still being fun. It needs one other person though.