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  • Wow how much more explicit do Americans need it before seeing him for what he is?

    • That's not the problem. He could choke on a hamberder tonight. And that would not stop any of this. He is a narcissist and a truly horrible person. An actual monster. A monster yes. But a monster that can only do this sort of thing because of the people who gleefully enable him, and put these horrific ideas in his head in the first place. This isn't a trump problem this is a conservative / Republican problem.

      • Or in other words, trump is the symptom not the disease. The disease is the mass embrace of superstition, demagoguery, ruthlessness, xenophobia, racism, conspiracy, and the rejection of integrity, education, science, democracy, fairness, equality, and beneficial policy.

        Why you might ask?

        You can (roughly) classify conservatives as reactive people, and progressives as proactive people. Reactive people are influenced by and act on lower brain stimulus. Over millions of years humans have evolved to elevate and look to a powerful ruthless clan leader in times of trouble. This worked well for millennia as the powerful chief could rally the tribe to circle the tents and drive away the threat. Today, people that we call conservative are a demographic that naturally respond to perceived threats in that reptilian way: find a ruthless leader.

        So what are the these threats?

        Climate change, greedflation, disease, dwindling resources, rogue comets, you name it. Many ‘threats’ are simply perceived: immigrants, lgbtq, libraries, college professors, brown people.

        How do we treat the disease?

        Vote: bring in leaders that care about and implement policies that elevate the middle and lower classes. Conservatism is neutralized by comfort and optimism in the middle and lower class. This will not be easy: the corporatocracy leverages the conservative rube masses to keep the Big Fleece afloat, and the corporatists and 1% have bought power to influence policy. So VOTE.

        And also, even though it’s tiring, take time to gently refute the bullshit your conservative family and friends spout. When your stupid uncle professes love for trump, ask why, ask for details of policy. Respond calmly with facts about the economy under our current leadership. Ask what “woke” means. When asked to explain the logic behind their regurgitated positions, conservatives usually lock up and are lost for words. Sometimes they get angry. But once in a while they see the light.

      • I think a lot of it is the cult of personality, that is trump. But you are correct, your right wing is sliding events further right.

        I'm pretty confident that if he did choke on a hamburger tonight, the infighting to fill the power vacuum would tear the party apart, at least for this election.

    • A lot of Americans don't even have good hindsight lol