The state of US political discourse
The state of US political discourse
The state of US political discourse
For God's sake, liberals just want permission to enjoy something
Let them enjoy it, leave them alone about your 'genocide' or whatever
if it weren't for "@hexbear" in your user name I would have thought this was a serious lib comment
That's right, it's brunch time.
💅 🍷 🌎
My favorite part about the liberals coming in here to muster a defense is how their only argument is “but Trump would be worse,” conveniently saying nothing about how they are literally advocating for genocide.
“But she called for ceasefire,” they cry, while simultaneously sending their daily billion dollars of bombs and ammo.
Also omitting how the DNC is clearly complicit with the GOP and will objectively not make things better, just worse at a slower pace. As shown by the last 50 years.
Their responses will get increasingly absurd and nonsensical the further this goes on. Behavior paralleling Israeli Zionists.
Oh look, it happened again, liberals aligned with fascists. Really weird how that just keeps happening over and over and over and over and over and over.
Who are the ones that want fascism again?
Bad Cop Worse Cop, and no matter how much you try to cooperate, Bad cop keeps doing all the things Worse Cop was threatening to do to you 20 minutes ago.
Tell me what you want me to do. Should I not vote? Who is defending Kamala or the Democratic party here? Just because I'm relatively happy that Kamala gives the US a better chance at avoiding another Trump presidency, that doesn't mean I'm happy with Kamala being the nominee. Or happy with her being genocidist. How does that make me an apologist for genocide when I have a binary choice in front of me between two people who are going to continue sending weapons to an apartheid state committing genocide? I mean fuck, the US is the worlds largest terror organization -- are you going to accuse me of supporting them because they take money out of my paycheck? There isn't really anything I can do about it besides try to vote in the direction that leans away from that.
I don't generally care how you vote. The idea that your vote, as an individual, matters at all, is a construct intended to disempower you. Turn you into an individualistic lever pull that can be counted on regardless of how many horrific things they do.
If you care how you vote, you should be getting organized with likeminded people to create a voting block that makes demands. "Move in our direction or we will vote for you, otherwise we won't". This is literally the only way you could ever have meaninfulg voting power. If you are a reliable voter for X party, literally nobody cares about your positions anymore, and certainly not as an individual. Political party X just tries to get you to turn out and to turn you into a donor. You could also try to take over the party from a grassroots level, but you will quickly find that they will ruthlessly oppose you and would rather lose forever than give up their party positions.
But the latter point leads to my actual suggestion, which is to understand that your voting power is incredibly limited and constrained under bourgeois electoralism (like the American system). They will never, ever let us win through their political system. We may make very slow gains in a few arenas, largely reflecting social changes that do not threaten the interests of those at the top of the core economic system. Those changes are valuable. But they hit a hard limit pretty quickly because everything is tied to the economic system. And backslides are also possible so long as the economic interests at the top aren't threatened. So sure, vote, but don't let electoralism dominate your political activity. It takes a few minutes to hours to vote per year. Spemn the rest of your political energy on building non-electoral power.
To build Non-Electoral power, we must spread political education (theory, history, geopolitics) and organizing skills (engaging in action, recruitment, support). To help with that process, you must become politically educated yourself - politically educated in mass political power and identifying the economic forces we are up against - and gain organizing skills yourself. Both are facilitated by joining a socialist organization, though it is also 100% A-Okay to just start reading and questioning and gaining skills in thought. I usually recommend that people start with media criticism and (re)learning history. For example, start perusing and read A People's History of The United States.
Now, keeping in mind that I don't care very much how you vote, to answer your question about what to do when the "Democratic" system gives you two options (chosen by the ruling class, not you, by the way)...
If you care about voting, work to form the aforementioned voting bloc and develop political discipline that lasts beyond single elections. If you succeed, your bloc will mean the "lesser evil" (try measuring the evil, is it even always lesser?) loses an election. But then you will have established power as a bloc, a set of votes that must be won. And you will learn something very important from the result. One option is that you will be cut off from the party you are most trying to influence. They will be declaring that they would rather lose than make the change(s) you care about. Like not doing genocide, Christ. Then you will know you cannot win through their system, or at least that party, and can change your effort. Try (and still probably fail) at a third party. Or focus your efforts on non-electoral political work. The other possible outcome is that they relent. Then congratulations! Keep making demands and start voting strategically for them until they inevitably balk, rinse and repeat until they consistently refuse (this will happen).
Or you can skip the process if realizing the bourgeous electoral system is an expression of the ruling class's power and begin working against it. End the thought process of thinking you can somehow have a lesser evil genocider, mass murderer, country destroyer, child impoverished, Jim Crower. Engage in the political education and organization I mentioned before and give up agonizing over your meaningless solitary vote.
Exactly, and as turns out that any atrocity can be dismissed as long as there's a threat of somebody worse. In this way, they're admitting that the system is fundamentally broken since even a genocide can now be dismissed simply by pivoting to talking about Trump.
No offense dude, but I think you are pretty ignorant about American leftists. I mean, you're completely right that we're having to dismiss an atrocity and vote for a genocidist and that the system is fundamentally broken. But that's common knowledge in the US lol, even across the aisle. Politicians are bought and sold, ask any semi-informed citizen in the US, right or left. It's just that most people are too busy working to fucking LIVE to think there is anything we can about it, or they've been brainwashed to think that's how it should be (top down something or other...)
Shit is fucked here. Nobody's trying to hide it, like I didn't just "say the quiet part out loud." Obviously America is fucked, obviously the Democratic party is fucked. But I'm still gonna vote for Harris because America can still get worse and the Republican party isn't just fucked, its absolutely fuckaroo'd.
My favorite part about the liberals coming in here to muster a defense ...
have you also noticed the sharp reduction in shitlib takes on and them increasing on the rest of the lemmyverse? they're diversifying/spreading-out
conveniently saying nothing about how they are literally advocating for genocide.
You're literally doing the thing in the post, just the other direction. Can you not understand the irony?
but do you condemn trump?!
right... more like that first line is: Genocide bad so don't vote for democrats.
Many left voters agree genocide is bad, we can vote for Democrats while also protesting and reaching out to our reps to stop the genocide.
And the reps will ignore you because what are you going to do, not vote for them? You already telegraphed that you will vote for them anyways.
In the party database, you show up as: Last Name, First Name, likely voter, donor yes/no. Literally, this is how much they think about you.
PS I thought genocide was an unconscionable, intolerable crime that required your specific action to ensure it "never again" happens. Now it's just "bad", like high housing costs? Do you see how your own soul is distorted by this naive partisanship?
If they ignore you and you keep voting for them, what's their motivation to take you seriously? The only leverage the average voter has is their vote. If they know that they can count on your vote no matter what they do, then they don't have to listen to you.
That's like saying oh yeah my friend is a serial killer, but at least he doesn't beat his family. Besides, I will tell him how upset I am about all the murdering he's doing next time we go out for beers.
Except both political parties that have a chance of winning are pro genocide.
The point of red lines is to not cross them. If you consider supporting a genocide a red line, which is certainly what I was taught, that means the system has moved beyond the pale and you must now take a different approach to politics than the horse race lesser evil logic that you were taught by the ruling class.
Namely, start working on other ways to build political power. The other ways are actually stronger. The ruling class, logically, teaches you to only see politics through a lens that disempowers you. It gives you playdough when you need a knife.
What's really funny, is that this is something both the ancient greeks knew (that voting is nothing more than a popularity contest / theatre piece, since the only people able to fund their campaigns come from the upper classes), and that Marxists in the 1800s rediscovered when they dealt their own theoretical death blows to liberalism.
Upper-class USonians love their reality TV show elections, but most people are smarter than them, and have realized that voting has never improved their lives, or taken war off the menu.
Makes sense why so many Germans supported the nazi party, there just wasn't any other choice.
Who are you voting for?
I'm voting for Kamala Harris.
Not a single Grad or Hexbear user has given me a real answer. I really don't know how you expect to persuade people of your beliefs when you're this scared to have a serious conversation.
Not a single Grad or Hexbear user has given me a real answer
people saying voting isn't going to do shit: yeah I'm not going to tell you who I'm voting for
you: OMG
The PSL ticket
I suspect a significant percentage of very vocal individuals in Lemmy politics threads can't even vote in US elections because they don't live here.
I technically live here because I'm in a secret Russian Posting Facility deep underneath a Midwestern mall, like in stranger things
I'm not sure why I've been subscribed to this community for this long.
Oh. I didn't realize I was subscribed to Let me migrate outta here
Some serious mental gymnastics going on here with goal posts mounted to a Bugatti.
the mental gymnastics liberals have to do to ignore genocide without feeling bad
They don't even ignore it. Theyre at the point were they literally say they just don't want Trump to do the genocide instead of them
All politicians seek to gain power and uphold the unjust, undemocratic, hierarchical power structures that constrain individual freedom -- power structures that are ultimately backed by the monopolization of violence through the police.
It's just that one party also wants to use those structures to surveil women's bodies, ban books, delegitimize science, push religion, and extract capital from natural resources and workers without restriction.
Same policies, different PR approach. Democrats didn't codify Roe v. Wade, for example, because that would have taken away one of their main selling points. Best you can do is vote different in each election so they have it harder to form a coherent strategy.
Tell me your life is focused on spreading discontent and hatred without telling me your life is focused on spreading discontent and hatred.
Is there anything more hateful than genocide and supporting it?
Disagreeing with my support of genocide is a basically a hate crime sweaty 🍵
There is no curse in any language known to man, beast, or processor-equipped machine to describe the withering fucking contempt I have for you and your entire lineage. I wish that your granddad would've worn a condom, or that your mother had swallowed; but since here we are, and this horrifying, monstrous take has inconvenienced so many electrons to get to me, I simply wish for the worst for you.
I hope you and everyone you care for have to live through the loss of the hegemon you've unjustly enjoyed. I hope you have to live through climate collapse. I hope you have to live knowing that the global hatred you will inevitably accrue will all be justified. I hope you live to know and understand why you are the ass of the joke, to every tongue in the world that has ever had a resource extracted from it by the Amerikan empire. And only after all of that do I hope you die nameless.
tell me you have no morals without telling me you have no morals
It's a good thing that the democrats saved abortion rights while they had three branches of government under control. Vote! 💅
Good grief Charlie Brown, when will you ever learn.
Stringent purity test being someone not actively furthering genocide.
look at this pro-genocide asshole
Sure, Muslims are being slaughtered every day, children are being shot in the head while walking down the street, hospitals are basically halfway to being morgues, but how could you possibly hold anyone to higher standards?!?!
Expecting someone to be anti-genocide is way too far!
this meme but replace the bottom text with "and then when they get elected they don't do any of the good stuff they claimed and only reach across the aisle to bipartisanly do extremely bad stuff" and put a DNC button on the hippy
Wtf is this 2012 meme lmao
Someone as old as you should have recognized the lesser evil trap by now
There are a couple of good, like-minded candidates on the ballot: Jill Stein and Cornel West.