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Thumb-Key 3.4.0 Release Release 3.4.0 · dessalines/thumb-key

What's Changed Swipe-and-return gesture to capitalize words on EN Writer layout by @Defrobe in #1004 Create RUThumbKeyWriter.kt by @Defrobe in #1005 #702 Rewrite titles of layouts to [languages] [...

Release 3.4.0 · dessalines/thumb-key
  • Thank you for keeping Thumb-Key up to date.

    Reading the changes in the latest version, a doubt came to my mind.

    How will be handled later, if #44 is implemented, i.e. dictionaries, the relationship between each keyboard scheme with its respective dictionary?

    That is, the following come to mind:

    • Would it be automatically associated by the name of the scheme?
    • defined by the user in the configuration? ( en <-> es-thumbkey, en <-> pt-splitkey, an so on).
    • or will it be defined live when typing with a key or gesture to switch keyboard and another to switch dictionaries?
    • A dictionary would be explicitly defined in the keyboard definition, but I don't know how multiple language keyboards would work with that.