Big selection
Big selection
Two Buttons

Big selection
Two Buttons
That's as mean as it is true.
Maybe go really oldschool again and use drow.
Or just simply make a 5 headed cheese dragon named Tiamozzarella. I promise it will be a surprise
Oh were those the ol' reliables from past editions?
I feel like the end of 3rd edition and most of 4th edition was All the drow! All the time!
Started with the City of the Spider Queen adventure (evocative, but not a good adventure) and the War of the Spider Queen novels (some good, others not so much).
Introducing the new big bad, Asmoflayeus.
You'd think they'd pull more from MTG into D&D and not the other way around so much
they should put the pinkertons in dnd
The Zhentarim would like a word.
There's already a "thug" stat block.
Why not both?