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Man who contracted mpox describes 'horrendous' symptoms - as deadlier variant 'very likely' in UK

  • For those that don't know, mpox rarely spreads outside of "sexual contact" so if you're not a sex worker or go to sex parties, you'll almost certainly be fine. And even if you do get it you'll recover fine as long as you're given basic care.

    This isn't anything like covid.

    • Incorrect. Not only can mpox be spread through the air via respiratory droplets, skin contact with contaminated surfaces is also a transmission vector.

      The fatality rate is also more than twice that of Covid.

    • Majority of STIs are not spread by sex workers. Majority of sex workers do not have STIs. The type of sex worker you're referring to (high risk STI group) is usually one of several categories:

      • trafficked minor
      • trafficked adult
      • meth user (meth use in particular is associated with unsafe sex orgies)
      • injectable drug use

      That's because these groups come into contact with people who will regularly sexually assault others including via biological warfare like STIs, and due to their status they are unable to say no to the abuse or to use protection like condoms and PreP. Think of the type of guy who pays for a trafficked minor like a 13 year old. Would you trust them if they said their STI status was clean? How does a kid even get access to condoms or money to buy an STI test, or hiw do they drive and get themselves a vaccine? How does an adult human who is essentially a slave do that? These groups are not the same as adult consensual sex workers and if we would decriminalize sex work, it would be easier to find people who are actually a public health risk due to trafficking.

      Majority of STIs are in people 25 yrs of age and younger. Then there's another spike for much older people. Both groups are often victims of sexual assault, in fact are the highest demographics for both. Disabled people who are in the highest category for sexual assault likewise have the highest STI numbers. All of these groups are more likely to live in group homes.

      Majority of STIs are in people in college or high school. In consensual interactions, these people often have little money, don't understand the risks, don't get tested often, and aren't as likely to wear protection. They are also likely to have very close contact (nonsexual) with peers including living in dorms and participating in extracurriculars.

      I think it's weird to slut shame consensual, safe, responsible adult sex like a sex party or sex work. The vast majority of sex workers are not being trafficked and make relatively safe, sane decisions about their own health including using condoms, being vaccinated, and being tested regularly. I think that you should self examine who you're bullying and stigmatizing. No one deserves mpox.

      • I'm not shut shaming anyone, litterally just stating the facts. I'm involved in the kink scene and have been to sex parties myself. I'm not saying these people "deserve" mpox like you're trying to claim I am, I'm litterslly just saying what the WHO guidance says.

        You're talking about the case for STIs in the US. Whereas mpox is primarily spreading in the Reupiblic of the Congo and adjacent countries. Where I imagine the situation with sex workers is different.

        And again, you need to stop with your accusatory attitude.

    • so if you're not a sex worker or go to sex parties, you'll almost certainly be fine

      The WHO article you linked below says:

      It is recommended for people at high risk to get vaccinated to prevent infection with mpox, especially during an outbreak. This includes:

      • health workers at risk of exposure
      • men who have sex with men
      • people with multiple sex partners
      • sex workers.