copying some text is more annoying to format. Sometimes i copy paste wiki text, but the formatting is a little fucky, and the notes are a little fucky wucky.
Also phones are a terrible UI, so people don't use them properly.
I haven't used writer or anything like that in so long that I forgot about that. I think most apps allow you to press Ctrl+Shift+V to paste without formatting. Images sound worse though.
Proof of authenticity? If anyone sends you a block of text, the formatting could be compromised, there could be auto correct mistakes, they could have left out important feedback clues from the terminal output.
Also why does your auto correct edit things you paste?
If the important feedback from the terminal is out of view a screenshot still doesn't help. The entire output piped into the clipboard is far more useful.
Who said I was okay with it? Screenshots of text instead of the actual text accompanied by a link to the original tweet etc. is a stupid trend and I don't know why people prefer it.
For the record, though, it isn't the same because tweets are limited to a few hundred characters, and the font size is usually pretty big, so they're usually easy to read through a screenshot. Crash logs are -- how shall I put this -- not, especially when they're often photos of computer screens because crashed software, especially on servers, rarely lends itself well to taking actual screenshots.