Is there any open vr headset available on the market at all?
Is there any open vr headset available on the market at all?
I wanna have something I can tinker with and which works without some proprietary blob... I've heard Monado is pretty cool!
Is there any open vr headset available on the market at all?
I wanna have something I can tinker with and which works without some proprietary blob... I've heard Monado is pretty cool!
Get a used HTC Vive. The Pro variant even holds up reasonably well with modern headsets due to the higher resolution and the OLED screens. Both work with Monado.
This is more off-topic, but what exactly is Monado? On their website they talk about all kinds of crazy stuff, like implementing vision-pro-like spatial interfaces. That makes it sound like its an OS, but its not, as far as I can tell.
I strongly recommend checking out the Linux VR Adventures Wiki.
For an overlay, it's probaly the easiest to start with wlx-overlay-s .
Google cardboard?