Any word on when access is going to be opened up to the public?
Any word on when access is going to be opened up to the public?
Any word on when access is going to be opened up to the public?
Do you want access? I believe I can give you access via an invite. I’d need to add you to my friends list though.
yeah I'd be interested! My username on Steam should be the same as it is here.
Ok, I invited you from Deadlock. It may take a hour or so for you to get an email, then you need to accept the invite from steam to add it to your library. Enjoy!
I don't know if invites are limited, but if you (or anyone else here who got invited) could add me too, that'd be awesome. My Steam name is the same as my username here.
I'd love an invite as well:
Sure thing, sent a friend request on steam
Hey could you hook me up too maybe?
Invited you to deadlock! You should get an email from steam within a few hours. Enjoy
Sure thing, sent a friend request
I'd also love an invite. Here's my profile (deleted), would be sweet. cheers!
EDIT: got an invite via a friend, thanks anyway :)
Sure thing, sent a friend request on steam
Any chance I could get an invite?
Sure! I sent you a steam friend request
If you're able to hand out more and willing to add me, I'd love a chance to play too:
Any chance I could be your friend as well? My username is SandmanXC on steam. Thanks a lot!
Sure thing, sent a friend request on steam
Could you invite me too please?
If anyone wants access feel free to ask. I think I’ve responded to everyone that’s asked but if not apologies if I missed it. Feel free to send me a message or comment again.
Hi, can I have an invite too? Steam name is licosanchez
Ok, I invited you to Deadlock. Hopefully you’ll get an email from Steam within a few hours, have a good one
Sure thing, I sent a Steam friend request
any possibility i could get in on the fun? [edit-removed] <steam-generated link for single use to add me to your friends list.
Since it seems like they removed any limits on invites, curious if they just plan to see how widespread the game can become - like some sort of ZG plague test...
You're awesome; just accepted your friend invite.