China says it is 'seriously concerned' about US nuclear strategic report
China says it is 'seriously concerned' about US nuclear strategic report
China says it is 'seriously concerned' about US nuclear strategic report
"The U.S. is peddling the China nuclear threat narrative, finding excuses to seek strategic advantage," a Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson said.
Later, same article
The U.S. has consistently pointed to China's expansive and growing nuclear weaponry. An annual report by the Pentagon last October said China had more than 500 operational nuclear warheads in its arsenal, and will probably have over 1,000 warheads by 2030.
What is China's serious concern, exactly? That the US is consistent about its appraisal, or that they're reacting cogently to it?
Probably that the US is reacting at all. With the knowledge of which country is the only one insane enough to use nuclear weapons on real human beings, and China having a no-first-use policy, it makes sense to be concerned when the country currently funding a genocide is making a nuclear strategy.
As yogthos puts it, "Everybody should be concerned about a rabid chimp with a hand grenade."
It's nukes, so of course - every time anyone makes a move it's stressful. That said, China is doubling its stockpile this decade and then calling foul just because the US is aware of it and discussing how it affects their position.
Regarding American willingness to strike first: The only US administration who has talked about using nukes in a casual way is Trump's. As to accusations of genocidal tendencies, neither nation has a clean record.
This "nuclear strategy" is currently being made under Biden, are you fucking stupid? Reps are functionally identical to dems, specially in their foreign policy.
As to accusations of genocidal tendencies, neither nation has a clean record.
The US murdered 30% of the DPRK's population in the Korean war, destroyed all its infrastructure, still has sanctions on it hurting its working class population, and is currently committing a genocide right now. Just how delusional are you libs?
We've also seen what happens to socialist countries that don't have a nuclear deterrence. Libya made the mistake of dropping its nuclear program to improve western relations, and has been reduced to rubble as a result. DPRK's nuclear deterrence is the only reason why the US hasn't dared to invade it yet, despite the regular "military exercises" near its border in occupied Korea.
In a sense, countries like the DPRK and Cuba are biding their time for when US sanctions lose their effectiveness as US influence declines with the Global South's rise.
Pardon the fuck out of me, I saw this article cruising All and didn't realize this was posted on .ml, where I am "fucking stupid". I'll go back to reality now.
Weird way to spell "fantasy"
Damn you really destroyed their comment there.
The only US administration who has talked about using nukes in a casual way is Trump's. As to accusations of genocidal tendencies, neither nation has a clean record.
The US is the only country to have nuked civilians, multiple times. Japan, and they also nuked a few islands in the pacific to test the fallout effects on nearby islanders.
The concern is that the USA official stated policy is that they reserve the right to use nuclear weapons in a first strike, while China's official stated policy is that they will never use nuclear weapons in a first strike under any condition.
I'd be concerned too, considering the USA is the only country to actually use these weapons on humanity.
Actually I don't think the 1000 by 2030 is necessarily true.
China's nuclear strategy is minimum deterence because they learned very quickly that stockpiling like Russia was not a good idea.
I'm sure they're just mad about the USA doing anything, but I could see them being ticked off by the USA trying to force them into a nuclear arms race.
Also probably scared that the USA is going to dump a ton of money into things like hypersonics and LRAAMs again, which is probably the only two things China has a current advantage in lol.