Shin Honkaku Mahou Shoujo Risuka - Chapter 28
Shin Honkaku Mahou Shoujo Risuka - Chapter 28
Read Shin Honkaku Mahou Shoujo Risuka Vol. 7 Ch. 28 "Last Chapter: Final Bloody Battle!!! — Demon Realm!!!" on MangaDex!
Shin Honkaku Mahou Shoujo Risuka - Chapter 28
Read Shin Honkaku Mahou Shoujo Risuka Vol. 7 Ch. 28 "Last Chapter: Final Bloody Battle!!! — Demon Realm!!!" on MangaDex!
And... that's the third title today to go on my TBR.
Pretty much the moment I saw that it was a NISIOISIN adaptation, I was already sold, but I read the first chapter just to make sure, and yeah.
Good thing it's only 28 chapters ...
I only read five chapters of this when it started being translates and, truth to be told, I remember very little of it.
I decided to post about this since it being only 28 chapters should be a relatively quicker read for whoever is interested.
Just discovered why you only read five chapters, and there was a pretty good chance for a bit there that I was only going to read five chapters too - because chapter 5 is when we discover that ::: spoiler spoiler Kizutaka is a freaking psychopath. :::
I'm going to give it a chance though - NISIOISIN hasn't let me down yet.