I was only gone for a day or two...
I was only gone for a day or two...
I was only gone for a day or two...
There was a post about making cats vegan. The mod then decided that people posting information on why that is a bad idea were antivegan or something. The mod started then removing any information that pointed to cats not being able to be health while on a vegan diet. The Lemmy.world admins them stepped in stating that improperly feeding your cat constitutes animal abuse and is unethical. This made many die hard vegans very mad.
For the record, cats can not be vegan. They can survive on it but they will have shorter more painful lives and they will go blind. There bodies start breaking down without the proteins and amino acids found in meat. I understand why vegans would be unhappy with that answer but it is the way it is.
Interesting enough, that's not the case for dog. You can put a dog on a vegan diet as long as you are very careful and are constantly monitoring. It isn't for the faint of heart and can have very sad outcomes. It isn't something you can arbitrarily do.
It's bizarre to me that harcore vegans want to own a pet to begin with. Keeping bees for honey is bad, but separating a kitten from its mother at an early age and castrating it for your convenience and deciding how they live (restricted to an apartment or not) is totally fine?
I understand that most pets live a good life, but man, I can't bring myself to make choices like these. I mean there are ways to circumvent it (get an older cat from an asylum for example) but it doesn't really remove the "pet dilemma" to me.
Most people I know adopt from rescue shelters and all the vegans I know do that, often even focusing on pets that are somewhat "disadvantaged" regarding getting adopted, i.e. disabled or chronically ill animals. They go to an animal shelter not primarily with the wish of having a pet but providing a better life for an animal (because let's face it, even the best-intentioned shelters are understaffed and underfunded).
When "keeping bees" you are ever only hosting them. If the conditions are not to the hive's liking, they will find somewhere else to live. This is a significant problem in North America where honeybees are not native, as they will displace native species. But if you have a productive hive, they are happy and well treated.
I knew a hardcore vegan girl like a decade ago when it was rather rare to see someone to that extreme, or at least to me. She said she feeds her cat only vegan food, and i was pretty sure that that's not a thing, but i didn't really know. Her roommate then told me that she goes through quite a lot of cats, because they either die or run away.
Cats are also invasive in some areas. Outdoor cats are the leading cause of songbird mortality.
Why would you need to separate a kitten from it's mom? There are so many cats in shelters, usually castrated already, that need a forever home.
My understanding was always that seeking out new pets was bad, but it was also bad to get rid of one if you already had it. I'm not a vegan, though I did date a couple many years ago and am basing this on what I remember from conversations.
Shoot, I'd say keeping bees would be pro vegan. Good barter system for honey in exchange for premium hive space and care and protection. Symbiotic relationship.
No, they're hypocrites. These are practices that vegans should not be ok with, and said actions certain don't constitute a harmonious world view and philosophy. They should be ashamed of themselves. The real actions and ideas they should be putting forward is to not have pets, and to try to reduce invasive species impacts on local ecosystems (in which case cats are neutered to stop reproduction).
I understand why vegans would be unhappy with that answer but it is the way it is.
I don't. Veganism is about the fact that humans can live without animal products, which is true. Not accepting that actual carnivores exist, even being unhappy with this means you're well in extremist nutjob territory.
There are plenty of vegan friendly pets to choose from too. Rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, chinchillas, pygmy goats ect. If they are willing to accept insectivorous animals that list gets longer.
Why choose a pet like a cat if their diet is a philosophical problem for them? Choose a different animal.
I am a vegan. While my dogs were alive they ate meat as well as veggies. It seems to me that a lot of vegans don't realise that it's a scale and not binary. The whole philosophy of veganism is "as much as you are able" so I guess there is extremism everywhere.
And veganism is about living a lifestyle that causes the least amount of suffering. And not solely about not eating animal products. (Cultivated meat can be considered vegan, if it has been produced ethically and no animals or humans suffered) Not giving your cat meat causes suffering so is by definition not vegan.
Side note: Veganism is also about reducing human suffering so cocaine is not vegan. Just a reminder to vegans who use cocaine. Met a bunch of those last week.
I wish people didn't have such a tendency to think of things as binary, when basically nothing is. It's super unhelpful.
I'm vegan and I don't know why these "vegans" are towing the line to to include non-human species. It's just as gross for vegan humans to apply their values to values in a dominant manner as it is for non-vegans to. Literally vegans doing this is antithesis to the entire cause.
I'm glad they got slapped. You'll always have idiots in a movement I guess...
What I don't understand about all of this is the consent aspect: your cat/dog/pet did not consent to a vegan diet, so why are you forcing it on them? Obviously you can't ask your pet what they want for dinner, but left to their own devices, I doubt any of them would choose a vegan diet, so... Why force it on them?
Even ignoring all of the science and everything, morally/ethically, it just feels messed up to me. It'd be like forcing your child to eat food they're allergic to because it's healthier/more ethical, despite it causing health issues for them.
Absolutely wild
That’s a really good point I’d never thought of. Veganising an obligate carnivore is unvegan. Mind blown 🤯
It's a microcosm for science denial or misunderstanding of all kinds. Vegan cats and antivax may not seem related but the underlying misinformation is not dissimilar.
I tried following up on the vegan cat research being posted and it was very difficult to get a solid answer. There are multiple brands of vegan cat food marketed and sold, and it isn't outrageous to believe that our industrial society could find an ethical way to source the necessary nutrients and enrich the cat food.
But also there's very few studies that test the claims of the vegan cat food. What few meta-analysis exist, and anecdotes online, would suggest that all those foods lack certain critical nutrients for long-term feline health. But the anecdotes are drowned out by well-intentioned people who want to believe it works, and the studies are small, rare, hard to read, and locked behind paywalls.
Ironically the only studies that seem to indicate its anything but terrible for the cats are funded/conducted by either pet food manufacturers, or Vegan organizations. Not there's even any actual decent studies done from what I've found.
Why do people even try to keep cats on vegan diet? It was your fucking choice, not the cats.
Im vegetarian, my cat eats meat. Im not gonna force anything on him unless he comes to me and tells me he wants to try it.
I think it's great that you don't eat meat, that's a step many people refuse to take. If you have recognized the horror of the animal industry, then try to avoid udder milk as well. The dairy industry is the meat industry, they go hand in hand. Dairy cows are sold as food for humans and animals after they are no longer profitable, after just a few years. Don't force a life of misery on dairy cows.
One meow for meat, two for vegan
if the cat enjoys the vegan food and it is nutritious then there is really not an issue.
obviously you can't stop a cat killing things.
This guy has done studies into the very thing:
A lot of vegans will hate this, but YOU'RE NOT A FUCKING SCIENTIST! Drop all the journals and research you want, but your pet is not a lab-controlled experiment. Besides, something being in a journal doesn't make it true. If it is regularly cited as true, and has swept into general understanding of how to feed a pet, then it's factual...
I'm all for vegans living their best lives. Don't force it on a pet that doesn't know better. Vegans harming animals through their own food choices isn't a new thing, ask most vets and they'll have seen the effects of malnutrition from someone that thought that they knew better.
Well put. Cats are OBLIGATE carnivores. They do not have anatomy to support extracting necessary nutrition from vegan sources that are available. It IS hypothetically possibly for them to survive and thrive on an engineered food source but, such a thing does not currently exist and the chemical complexity makes it unlikely in the near future.
I'm pretty sure energy drinks might use synthetic taurine on a large scale, have we tried feeding cats Monster Energy? /s
Making dogs vegan still doesn't sound like a good idea to me tho
My research said that it can work if you do it right. It is very hard and requires constant monitoring of the dog. I wouldn't recommend it but it will work better than cats. The problem I can forsee is a vegan owner moving there dog to a vegan diet and then refusing to accept that that there dog is having health issues because of it. They would need to be willing to start giving there dog regular food again but I don't see the extreme vegans doing that. They will likely just shove there head in the sand or blame something else like the vet.
Yeah, it's ridiculous to feed a dog vegetables. My dog gets a diet of pure meat. I drive around my city with a net gun and capture outdoor cats, and then butcher them for Fido. It's a win-win-win. Win: Fido gets meat. Win: I don't contribute to factory farming cruelty. Win: the native birds aren't driven extinct by predation. This is the only ethical way to feed a dog, since this way every living creature that ends up in Fido's hungry jaws lived a rich and fulfilling life.
The reason cats can't be vegan is that they cannot produce an amino acid called taurine, which is something dogs and humans can produce (but which we also get sometimes from dietary sources).
Most dietary sources of taurine are meat. This is why dogs and humans "can be vegan" but cats "can't". However, vegan taurine is made and can be bought as a supplement, both for humans (if you want to ensure you get some taurine in your diet), but also in properly made vegan cat food.
It seems to me then that cats can be vegan, just not without intentional effort to ensure proper supplementation of taurine. That is, they couldn't be vegan in the wild (where the only source of taurine is meat) and you can't just start to feed them a vegan diet without taurine and expect the cat to be healthy and survive.
In fact, cats fed a proper vegan diet tend to have better health:
I think the question is really what you are feeding your "vegan" cat: if you have managed to find (or make) a properly fortified vegan cat food it is theoretically possible to feed your cat a vegan diet.
This all feels a bit like the "controversy" around feeding young children and babies a vegan diet: done poorly it can be catastrophic (pun not intended), but it's entirely possible to have a healthy vegan diet when enough effort is put into ensuring nutritional needs are actually satisfied.
That said, I also know of two other vegan responses:
In fact, cats fed a proper vegan diet tend to have better health: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10499249/
It actually never definitively says that in any of the studies mentioned... This particular study relies entirely on self reported results, with less than 10% of the sample sizes being fed a vegan diet, with no actual controls in place. It's a meaningless study. It honestly reads like a fluff piece where they collected some surveys from an already pro-vegan community. As we've seen from the rhetoric surrounding this situation some vegans will absolutely feed their pets inadequate food and feel good about themselves while doing it.
And the final nail in the coffin:
This research and its publication open access was funded by food awareness organisation ProVeg International (https://proveg.com).
Ahhh... there it is.
Thank you for the summary! I found myself in OP. I am eating mostly vegan, and I have a cat, and I believe people who force a vegan (or even vegetarian) diet on their cats need mental help.
Oh fuck. And here I was willing to side with the vegan mods because I assumed people were just shitting on vegans again.
I think it is best to do your own research
I wish I would understand why people always have to take everything to the extreme. If you get mad about carnivorous pets not being able to follow your personal diet, you're an extremist asshole who just chose veganism as your religion. You can be vegan without being an extremist asshole, so it must be something else causing this.
Was this the article that started it? Do you have the thread or would an archived link be required to see it?
Vegan versus meat-based cat food: Guardian-reported health outcomes in 1,369 cats, after controlling for feline demographic factors [Andrew Knight, Alexander Bauer, Hazel Brown | Published: September 13, 2023]^[[1] https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0284132]
Increasing concerns about environmental sustainability, farmed animal welfare and competition for traditional protein sources, are driving considerable development of alternative pet foods. These include raw meat diets, in vitro meat products, and diets based on novel protein sources including terrestrial plants, insects, yeast, fungi and potentially seaweed. To study health outcomes in cats fed vegan diets compared to those fed meat, we surveyed 1,418 cat guardians, asking about one cat living with them, for at least one year. Among 1,380 respondents involved in cat diet decision-making, health and nutrition was the factor considered most important. 1,369 respondents provided information relating to a single cat fed a meat-based (1,242–91%) or vegan (127–9%) diet for at least a year. We examined seven general indicators of illness. After controlling for age, sex, neutering status and primary location via regression models, the following risk reductions were associated with a vegan diet for average cats: increased veterinary visits– 7.3% reduction, medication use– 14.9% reduction, progression onto therapeutic diet– 54.7% reduction, reported veterinary assessment of being unwell– 3.6% reduction, reported veterinary assessment of more severe illness– 7.6% reduction, guardian opinion of more severe illness– 22.8% reduction. Additionally, the number of health disorders per unwell cat decreased by 15.5%. No reductions were statistically significant. We also examined the prevalence of 22 specific health disorders, using reported veterinary assessments. Forty two percent of cats fed meat, and 37% of those fed vegan diets suffered from at least one disorder. Of these 22 disorders, 15 were most common in cats fed meat, and seven in cats fed vegan diets. Only one difference was statistically significant. Considering these results overall, cats fed vegan diets tended to be healthier than cats fed meat-based diets. This trend was clear and consistent. These results largely concur with previous, similar studies.
making cats vegan
For a second (or maybe longer, until I read the wlhole thing) I thought they wanted to consider eating cats as being vegan.
The mod then decided that people posting information on why that is a bad idea were antivegan or something. The mod started then removing any information that pointed to cats not being able to be health while on a vegan diet.
Pets eat pre-processed food, and we've had vegetarian protein supplements for a while. How does this work for cats? Idk, ask a vet. But these foods have been around for a while and I'm not hearing about a mass die-off of indoor cats as a result, so I'm willing to give vegan cat owners the benefit of the doubt.
For the record, cats can not be vegan. They can survive on it but they will have shorter more painful lives and they will go blind.
The expected lifespan of feral cats in the wild runs around 2-5 years. House cats routinely live into their teenage years and can hit north of 20. The ideal lifestyle for a cat is indoors, regardless of the precise composition of their diets.
People are so weird. We're animals, and herbivores, meat is just a thing we have been eating since before we were fully humans. I'm a vegetarian but my kids aren't, and I prefer it that way cause I know that as they're growing, it's easier to provide a nutritious diet that way. I don't particularly like to prepare or even smell the cooked meat but, it's their food so you gotta do it. I think a lot of these people are just grossed out about having meat products in their house. If you want a pet who doesn't eat meat, get a bird. (By the way, I have pet birds and even they love protein like cooked chicken and eggs)
Cats have dietary needs that would require them to eat meat in nature. But we can make vegan, synthetic food that meets these needs. In fact, studies have shown that cats on vegan diets tend to be healthier if anything.
I don't understand why people upvote summaries that don't even try to be objective. I honestly think the mods there do notably abuse their power to remove comments, but let people decide that for themselves. This commenter is telling you who to support while being confidently incorrect on the original issue.
Even if there is chance that it is possible it is very much not worth the risk. Malnutrition will only show its teeth long term. You cat will become very unhealthy and get sick. There bodies will break down and the will likely go blind. You shouldn't subject an animal under your care to such a painful life.
Disclaimer that I'm not even a vegan but you're spreading disinfo here to make vegans seem completely unreasonable. I suggest anyone check out the actual discussions instead of trusting this summary.
I agree.
I'm not a expert so you should read up on it. The problem is that the vegan community was only allowing random studies saying how cats were healthier on a vegan diet. None of those papers were peer reviewed or all that credible. On the other side there is tons of research and articles written by actual experts that say it is a bad idea. I looked it up before making this comment.
can you tell.me if you know more than this guy, and where he is wrong:
You left your SI in the link
For the record, science disagrees with you. According to an analysis of all current research, there is no statistically significant difference of cat heath when fed a nutritionally sufficient vegan diet. Of there is a similarly high quality study that finds that a nutritionally sufficient vegan diet is worse for cats I would love to see it.
The vegan diet we are talking about isn't a bunch of vegetables, it's a manufactured dry food specifically designed to have all the nutrients a cat needs.
People often use the obligate carnivore excuse, but use it in an unscientific way. Obligate carnivores have nutritional needs that can only be meet through meat in the wild, but humans are perfectly capable of manufacturing these nutrients. We are so good at it that we supplement these synthetic nutrients in meat based cat food already.
This is a contentious issue for most people, and it can be hard when you are very passionate about something to look at the evidence and change your opinion. I've looked at a decent number of studies on the topic recently, and they all seen to point to the conclusion that a diet without meat can be healthy for cats, so long as it contains all the nutrients they need.
heavy sigh
Vegans be reposting this link everywhere not realizing how silly it makes them look. First, one of its big points is that there hasn’t been much research done into feeding cats vegan diets, mostly because it’s a bad idea.
Some great lines:
Cats on a high-protein vegetarian diet exhibited hypokalemia which accompanied recurrent polymyopathy. There was also increased creatinine kinase activity, likely reflecting the muscle damage caused by the myopathy, and reduced urinary potassium concentrations.
To simplify: even with protein supplements your cats muscles will decay over time.
showed that plasma taurine concentrations decreased by approximately 87% after only 2 weeks on a vegetarian diet (from 122 μmol/L to 16μmol/L). By the end of the 6-week study, there was no detectable taurine in plasma. Taurine concentrations were not different between the potassium-supplemented and non-supplemented groups, with both groups showing this substantial drop in taurine.
To simplify: Taurine supplements didn’t work. Though findings are mixed between all like, 3 studies that tried
In cats fed vegetarian diets that were supplemented with potassium, a myopathy was seen within 2 weeks of the dietary change this was characterized by ventroflexion of the head and the neck. The cats also showed lateral head resting, a stiff gait, muscular weakness, unsteadiness, and the occasional tremor of the head and pinnae.
To simplify: your car feels like shit and acts like they feel like shit
Weight loss and poor coat condition have also been observed in cats fed vegetarian diets. However, most cats in another study had a normal coat condition and no obviously diet-related clinical abnormalities picked up by clinical examination 27]. Clinical signs of lethargy with altered mentation, dysorexia, and muscle wasting, along with gut signs of bloating and increased borborygmi have also been observed 30].
Simplify: it was bad. Sometimes it wasn’t so bad, but lots of times it was bad and the owner should feel bad
I can keep going, literally every paragraph has some good “don’t fucking do that” material.
A vet friend in a very trendy city encounters a lot of cats with significant health problems that stem from their owner's attempt at a vegan diet, so whether or not it's possible, too many people harm the health of their pets through attempting a vegan diet for it to be a safe thing to recommend trying
Intresting paper. It is not the conclusive evidence that you think it is. It's ok, reading science is hard.
Paper concluded that the vegan diet did not seem to have adverse effects, but they had a very small sample size and the expiriment went on for a very short duration.
And then they site scientific papers that disagree with their findings. So there definitely is science out there that disagrees with the vegan diet being ok.
Did you actually read the article? Cause I did and here are some highlights from the article regarding felines specifically:
Sample sizes are tiny
3.2. Feline Studies-Meta-analysis was considered if more than one study presented the same outcome data. However, meta-analyses of these data were not possible due to (1) differences or lack of a comparison group, e.g., a meat-based diet comparator or (2) no presentation of a measure of central tendency or dispersion to input into the model.
Hypokalemia is: a low level of potassium (K+) in the blood serum.[1] Mild low potassium does not typically cause symptoms.[3] Symptoms may include feeling tired, leg cramps, weakness, and constipation.[1] Low potassium also increases the risk of an abnormal heart rhythm, which is often too slow and can cause cardiac arrest
3.2.1. Hematology/Biochemistry-Only three studies [27,29,30] have carried out hematological and/or biochemical analysis of blood in cats that were fed vegetarian diets, and it is worth noting that sample sizes were low. Cats on a high-protein vegetarian diet exhibited hypokalemia which accompanied recurrent polymyopathy [29]. There was also increased creatinine kinase activity, likely reflecting the muscle damage caused by the myopathy, and reduced urinary potassium concentrations.
Myopathy is: a disease of the muscle[1] in which the muscle fibers do not function properly.
3.2.3. Clinical Findings-In cats fed vegetarian diets that were supplemented with potassium, a myopathy was seen within 2 weeks of the dietary change [29]. This was characterized by ventroflexion of the head and the neck. The cats also showed lateral head resting, a stiff gait, muscular weakness, unsteadiness, and the occasional tremor of the head and pinnae....... Weight loss and poor coat condition have also been observed in cats fed vegetarian diets [29,30]. However, most cats in another study had a normal coat condition and no obviously diet-related clinical abnormalities picked up by clinical examination [27]. Clinical signs of lethargy with altered mentation, dysorexia, and muscle wasting, along with gut signs of bloating and increased borborygmi have also been observed [30].
These are guardian based reports which means there is significant bias from the owner to report positive effects and look over the negatives
3.2.4. Guardian-Reported Health Effects-Guardians generally believed that the transition to a meat-free diet had been positive. These studies are valuable, as large sample sizes of respondents (animals) are generally employed. Some guardians did notice an increase in stool volume but noted no issues with consistency [27]. When considering other aspects, coat condition was shinier [27], there was an improved scent of their animals (particularly relating to breath odor) [27], there was a tendency to be at the ideal body condition score rather than being obese [28,31].
This is about as close as you can get to justifying it , IF you fixate on ONE aspect and ignore everything else in the journal article:
Dodd et al. (2021) [31] collected dietary information for 1026 cats, of whom 187 were fed vegan diets. The latter were more frequently reported by guardians to be in very good health. They had more ideal body condition scores and were less likely to suffer from gastrointestinal and hepatic disorders than cats that were fed meat. No health disorders were found to be more likely in cats that were fed vegan diets. The reported differences were statistically significant.
So please explain to me how myopathy setting in and causing tremors after only two weeks of transitioning to a non meat based diet is good for cats?
So for the record you are dead flat wrong by your own damn source because you didn't read it or you ignored all the bad parts.
Vegans argued that cats, which are obligate carnivores, can eat a vegan diet safely. Lemmy.world admin removed the posts for being misinformation, and the vegan community threw a fit over it.
Ask your vet what they think about a vegan diet for your pets. They will tell you "no". That should really be the end to the discussion, but I guess these guys think they know better than actual experts.
It's so sad, because veganism is a good force in our culture. Look at all of the vegan meat alternatives and more and more restaurants that have to have at least vegetarian options in certain areas. That wasn't a thing 20 years ago.
Vegan diets help the environment and improve health. But many vegans get this brain rot, probably a consequence of a superiority complex where they have to police everything around them. It happens in a lot of communities.
I'm not a vegan. But the idea has me eating less and less meat every year.
“But someone who calls themselves a professor made a 4 hour long YouTube essay on how they caaan be vegan come on click the link!!!”
Jeez that is awful! People: if you want a vegan pet, get a rabbit! They are so sweet! There are tons of them in the shelter system, especially after Easter.
I swear they’re the funniest and most affectionate four legged friends around!
I really hate how many people are spreading disinfo for no reason here. We should be better than that.
The vegans stated very clearly that current science shows that the cat would need a fuckton of supplements and attention to be on a vegan diet but it's functional.
The admins then overstepped and removed such comments.
I'm not going to argue the validity of any of those claims as I'm not a vegan and I don't care to research, but the vegan mods were a lot more reasonable than they're being painted here.
The pet sector must die, pet ownership isn’t vegan, pet breeders are the enemies;
We’re not doing “optimal nutrition”, sorry. That biohacking shit to create immortal adopted pets isn’t going to work out. It’s hardly even clear for humans what the optimal diet is, and they pretend that they know what it is for cats??? These fools don’t even comprehend that evolution doesn’t give a shit about longevity. It’s a standard imposed by the marketing agencies of pet foods who want to milk pet owner feelings to have their pets die after they do. It’s a false standard that is great for advertising, but otherwise functions as a Nirvana fallacy machine.
This is just a rephrase, but pet ownership is bourgeois. Well, aristocratic, then bourgeois. Detach. This isn’t about you, you don’t get to annex a sentient being just to keep them as an emotional service slave or as a status symbol. This one is especially for Americans where pets live better than poor people.
Uh. Hardly reasonable.
Good. I don't give a shit about what you put in your mouth. But if you think it's ok to give your pets a shit load of supplements for no reason at all other than forcing your extremism on helpless animals you're out of your mind.
As a vegan who spends no time associating with other vegans, because it's not a large part of my identity (other than watching cooking videos), these people are idiots who are getting high on being righteous.
So much so they overdosed and became animal abusers.
Quite ironic. Funny, if it weren't causing harm.
Until I joined Lemmy I had no idea how militant vegans could be. I sorta just assumed they were a different brand of vegetarian.
I'm not opposed to their ideaology in any way, but after reading the comments on a few posts that found their way into my feed... I had to block their communities. It didn't seem likely that I'd be reading any productive discourse there.
I was vegan for 8 years and during that time I didn't talk to anyone about it other than to say, "I don't eat that."
I say that to say this - vegans are insufferable and a large reason why I quit the community and went back to omnivore. Even after 8 years, other vegans were still 'more vegan' and would nitpick the dumbest stuff.
"Bro, did you eat a date? That killed a bee or something. Not cool."
Shut up with that. Let me eat my damn fruit.
I was healthier though. But, to be fair, I was younger.
As you might have experienced, it's pretty hard to be vegan in a carnist world. People talk about animal abuse all the time, they confront you all the time, make fun of you. Most don't want to talk about it, they want to shut you up. The hate and ignorance is strong and different people react diffrently to that situation. Some stay quiet, like yourself, some get vocal. Some debate, some get angry. Calling vegans insufferable is like calling gays insufferable, or feminists. Some might be. We have recognized a major injustice and we want to change it.
"Bro, did you eat a date? That killed a bee or something. Not cool."
That's rage bait and you made it up. Why would anyone say that?
Between them and Linux evangelicals, this place can be pretty annoying at times.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're refering to as vegan, is in fact, GNU/vegan, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus vegan.
Linux evangelicals
We just want to save your code from eternal damnation
I use arch btw
You know I really hate vegans, but I FUCKING REALLY HATE Linux evangelicals, and they are FUCKING EVERYWHERE HERE.
Anyway, fuck veganism and linux
Exactly my experience. I often heard stories of vegans being like that, but I never ever saw it so I thought it was just made up to belittle vegans.
Then I joined lemmy and found out that I'm apparently in favour of massacres, slavery and rape because I consume meat/milk/eggs from time to time.
I imagine the vast majority of vegans just go about their lives and resprectfully discuss the ethics of animal consumption when the topic comes up, but these loud militant members really make vegans look bad and they sure as hell make it so that even less people consider going vegan
Yes, them calling me a rapist totally made we want to be like them and adopt their ideology.
Their strain of it appears to be poison religion like fundamentalist Christianity or Islam. A fanatic is a fanatic, whatever paint they're dipped in. Guess they're just trying to fill a hole in themselves.
any movement will have more or less militant members. that's life.
I stick with Margaret Cho’s advice on vegans from her Assassin tour back in 2005:
And especially, especially, don't fuck with vegans. Do not look vegans in the eye. If you get into an argument with a vegan, say "I'm wrong" and run away as fast as you can. Do not fuck with vegans because they will fuck you up...BECAUSE THEY'RE HUNGRY.
the vast majority of vegans are not represented by a tiny segment that has found lemmy.
If Lemmy had its version of r/atheist users, they're either vegan, Linux obsessed, or politics obsessed.
Vegans being annoying was a thing awhile ago, but they really chilled out. This is a smaller band of die-hards.
"Chilling out" is of course a terrible metric when animal abuse is on the line but being good to animals would make you vegetarian, not vegan, and yet that was never where the righteousness was coming from.
Quite a bit of their content is antagonizing and alienating. What a shame.
‘Plant based’ was a rebrand of veganism because of what vegans did to veganism.
I like how they expect everyone to share there ethical views. Fun fact: most people don't.
In 5+ decades of living I have never once met a sane vegan, not once.
And I've met hundreds...
For the most part, the "unreasonable vegan" stereotype comes from two places.
Crazy, I know tons of vegans and never met an insane one.
Context: official c/vegan post, lemmy.world admin post 1 of 2
TL;DR: Debate over whether claiming that plant-based diets for carnivorous animals could be safe constitutes encouraging animal abuse + whether an admin's reaction to demote the entire mod team was justified
Man, they don't take kindly to being called out, do they?
vegan ideology is welded directly to their identity.
When you suggest that veganism may not be the eternal elixir of life and the cure to all the worlds woes, you are attacking their identity.
No one EVER rationally responds to identity attacks.
Nice try, but my app shows link previews.
I prefer Elwood's organic dog meat. It's pretty much the only dog meat vendor in the US, sadly.
Pretty sure the ampersand (&) doesn't work in website URLs like that. (Yes, it does work in URLs, but, without going into detail, it's typically only used towards the end of the URL.)
That's what tipped me off about the fake URL.
I understand the controversy, because if there's one thing the internet loves more than free speech, it's cats.
If free speech has a limit, it's at the point where it starts to hurt cats.
Veganism: Great lifestyle. Wretched, toxic community (mostly).
EDIT: I want to add I'm very much pro-vegan. They're literally right. I probably will go vegan as soon as I work out a solution to my eating disorder (ARFID). You just won't see me in any community. They just seem psychologically unhealthy.
As a vegan, can confirm.
When I was on reddit, I could not be part of the r/vegan community, it was fucked.
The community here on Lemmy was better (though I wasn't subbed because these communities are mostly newcomers to the vegan scene coming fresh off the high of being morally superior to the carnists).
The good vegan communities were the ones focused on recipes.
If you want to discus animal liberation, good, go do that, but I don't want to my feed to be a combination of dinner and animal abuse. I'm trying to move past that...
I hate that Vegans are defined by the psychopath edge cases.
I know 3 vegans. Two of them have cats. They aren't delusional. They know cats are carnivores. They wish people ate more veggies. But live your life, you know?
The other vegan I know choose veganism because of serious life-threatening issues where meat was causing hospital visits. She went cold turkey and will watch you eat a steak and wishing she could do the same.
It's fucking weird watching people shit on them. All because a psychopath on the internet speaks for all vegans and shoves broccoli into a cats mouth.
I'm not judging vegans. I'm judging vegan communities. Big difference.
The other vegan I know choose veganism because of serious life-threatening issues where meat was causing hospital visits. She went cold turkey and will watch you eat a steak and wishing she could do the same.
That doesn't really sound like a vegan to me, that's just a person who is on a plant based diet. Veganism is a moral stance
I wish I knew 3 vegans (or if they tell me who they are). While I have no plans to go there, I’ve been on a kick of learning to cook for other cultures. It’s been a wonderful experience learning to prepare new foods and even helping my teens experience a much more diverse cuisine than otherwise. I’m all for learning to prepare some vegan meals, but so far just lookin at recipes online is not giving me enough “flavor”
I’m most persuaded by the environmental argument for veganism and am totally open to less animal products or fewer meat days
In this case, no, they were not right, as they were suggesting feeding cats a vegan diet, which is the opposite of being right.
I'm on a similar train. Once I get over myself, I'm going vegan.
I probably would have been diagnosed ARFID as a kid if it was a thing back then. But switching to a plant based diet ten years ago actually made me try MORE foods. Before that, it was tea and toast for breakfast, jacket potato or chips for lunch and crisps and chocolate for dinner. Maybe once or twice I week I might boil a bit of sweetcorn or carrot to go with my lunch. So yeah, very poor diet.
Even my mum, who was quite against my diet change at first, had to admit that it was the best thing for me. You tend to become more aware of what you're eating in terms of nutrition.
Also a lot of my physical and mental health problems eased up. I used to find it very difficult to eat breakfast if I had to wake up early, I'd feel sick and struggle to swallow food, I don't know why exactly, but after I switched, I can eat at 5 in the morning, no problem.
I'm not vegan (I eat a fish finger or two now and then, maybe 3 or 4 times a month), but yeah definitely I feel better in both mind and body since cutting out dairy and eggs (I know for a fact eggs were triggering my anxiety and low mood, dairy was the physical).
Here in the UK, it's much easier to follow a plant based diet in recent years. On the negative side, there's a lot more vegan junk food and highly processed meat alternatives available now.
The key to enjoying a plant based diet is to appreciate plant foods for what they are. Don't think that you need to replace your meat with a fake meat. It's more costly too.
Sorry for the essay. Good luck!
I just want to ask for more details on the "they're litterally right" part. Mostly cause I didn't think the had an official organized statement to be right about. But I don't really follow them, so maybe I'm missing something.
I didn’t think the had an official organized statement
There sort of is. The term "vegan" was coined by some members of the Vegetarian Society of the UK in the 1940s (at the time veganism and vegan diet were mostly referred to by terms such as "strict vegetarianism" or "no animal food" etc.), who shortly after founded the Vegan Society [of the UK]. The latter has an "official" definition of veganism:
Of course individual vegans may have slightly different definitions, and may interpret them differently, but as a whole this seems to be a fairly accurate definition for many vegans (although there are some exceptions, e.g. people who adopt plant-based diets for (percieved or actual) health benefits, or religious reasons, sometimes (but not always) also refer to themselves as "vegans").
As to the "literally right" part (I assume the OP was referring to veganism in general, not the specific issue of the thread), it mostly boils down to whether or not we think the statement "it is (morally) wrong to unnecessarily cause harm to animals" is correct. Since most people (with perhaps the exception of some with rare medical conditions) can survive just fine on a diet free of animal products (same goes for clothing etc.), we can conclude that it is at least unnecessary to use animal products. Thus, if we agree with the rest of the statement (i.e. that exploiting animals for their meat or other products causes them harm) we should also agree with veganism as an ethical stance. Naturally this could be discussed in much more detail and with many caveats, but for me this is more or less the core of the argument. And as it turns out, a lot of moral philosophers from different meta-ethical schools (such as utilitarianism, Kantian ethics or virtue ethics) seem to agree at the very least that the arguments in favour of veganism are much stronger than those in defense of eating meat (and particularly those in defense of factory farming). Some further reading for those interested:
According to people following the carnivore diet, they're wrong.
It's like being a non-smoker on a party where everybody smokes. Almost nobody wants to hear that they're doing something wrong. Toxicity is literally in the non-vegan community, warming up the climate and all, decreasing biodiversity, mistreating and killing animals for pleasure.
You just can't help yourself can you?
Why not just agree and say "hey yeah, great lifestyle"?
This is everyone's gripe from the outside. You do you, live a healthy life. Make a good case and many of us will even agree with you: it's an admittedly healthier pick and better for the earth. But for some reason we can't stop there, can we?
You can't say, hey I don't smoke, it's not good for you, here's a source. And then I say "Hey thanks!". Instead, if you want to be on team vegan, we have to all agree that cigarettes are not just bad for the atmosphere and for lung health, but ALSO that smoking is innately capitalist and supports a corrupt economic structure, it's mean to tobacco leaves, marijuana and tobacco are the same and have equal rights, using hemp is morally outrageous (just as bad as hurting tobacco leaves), and now we have to call all smokers "smokists" as if to imply that the only thing they ever breathe is smoke, that way we can really show our distaste.
There would be so many more vegans and vegetarians if the communities could just take the win of the lifestyle without requiring the morality and politics at the gate. It's telling to me that the vegan communities that vegans like the most are on hexbear (defederated by everyone for their assholery) and vegan theory club where the mod/instance admin has a ton of comments signed "death to america" and basically requires political adherence in the comment section lest your comment be deleted.
People started arguing about whether cats can eat vegan, mods on c!vegan got involved, then an admin got involved. People's personal feelings about veganism overtook any actual discussion about when it is or isn't inappropriate for Admins/mods to step in, hence the pinned post on the front page.
Wow. I didn’t miss much... Is this the first drama of this kind?
I think so but only because I think most people didnt think discussing possible healthy vegan diets for pets was a taboo subject.
To be fair though lemmy.world wasnt ever supposed to be some respected scientific resource, its a discussion board.
Ultimately its up to the admin to set their rules, but in my opinion they reacted immaturely, and I think it shows somewhat of an ego problem.
I have lots of friends that are vegan/have been vegan, or are sympathetic to the cause. IRL I have had some wonderful conversations about veganism and the ethics of our diet. But on the Internet it's the vegans ironically that need to get out and touch grass. It's like there's no nuance to any conversation, like sorry I can be Peter Singer, it's actually kinda difficult to be that moral.
This. My experience has been that internet vegans are more concerned with judging others than caring about animals.
Is this meant to prove or disprove it?
There are some commercial vegan diets available which have synthetically made nutrients to replace those found only in animal based ingredients.
There may also be some that do not meet the safety and nutritional standards of other types of food. Manufacturers should provide information to show it is nutritionally complete and balanced. This information can be difficult to find and understand, so it's important to speak with your vet for advice too.
Peter Singer isn't actually vegan (he is human garbage though), so idk why vegans still idolize him so much
(am vegan)
But on the Internet it’s the vegans ironically that need to get out and touch grass.
I keep hearing about these crazy vegans from other folks complaining on the internet. I never actually get to meet them in the wild.
But if I flip over to YouTube Recommended Feed I can find Liver King tier content all the fuck over the front page. Definitely try to steer clear of anything "Recommended" these days, but if I had my ear-holes getting saturated with JBP / Joe Rogan Carnivore Diet insanity 24/7, that might wear down my ability to have a polite conversation.
Maybe that's what other people are seeing out on the YT comments sections?
Here on Lemmy I've been accused of torturing and raping animals as I'm unashamedly an omnivore. I'm a hunter as well.
I worry about animal suffering enough that we've bought a small farm and hope to raise all our own meat. I've actually worked on factory farms and know firsthand the suffering of animals under that system.
However, there are fanatical vegans on Lemmy that do a fantastic job of driving away those of us sympathetic to vegan ethics and morality.
Hey don't get me wrong, there's a lot of people that need to touch grass, there's some areas that I have ignorant opinions about. But the best way to fix that is to have constructive mature conversations with real people.
Ps. Carnivore diet is silly and leaves you with less energy than 4 well rounded meals a day, even if it is consistent. Smaller complete meals throughout the day can give you more consistently high energy than ketosis ever will.
The BEHAVIOR of a very small subset of vegans unfortunately causes a small but ridiculously vocal subset of non-vegans to tar all vegans with the same brush.
Since volume equals truth for a not insignificant number of people in the Internet, far too many people don't stop to separate behavior choices from professed beliefs and that's how we get where we are now, I unfortunately.
The world would be a better place if people stopped automatically associating and assuming causation and instead treated bad behavior as just that.
Like the words, "woke" and, "terf" the word, "carnist" identifies the non-ironic user as an ideological extremist. It isn't vegans who get a lot of hate, it is vegan extremists. I love my vegan friends and bend over backwards to accommodate them. People who use the word, "carnist" can choke on a horse dick.
I really don't think it's hate, in the classic sense. I think most of it is sort of a hamarotic response that's made possible by the fact that these forums show up in everybody's feed, and given that vegans typically have negative views on the eating practices of the rest of the world, can be seen referring to those people as they do in private. As you seem to be insinuating, it feels-bad-man to have your lifestyle casually attacked, and nearly always elicits retaliation because humans.
I feel like a lot of it is a matter of terminology. For instance, using the word "omnivore" instead of "carnist", or "Bovine Matchmaker", instead of "Animal Rapist".
The /c/vegan mods in turn banned the Admin from the community because it was obvious there was no objective basis to these removals. The admin in turn got themselves unbanned and banned the mods.
What else did they expect?
"we taught a lion to eat tofu!"
*coughs weakly
I'll never not up-lemm Futurama.
That being said, I think some (most?) were talking about nutritionally complete feed with synthetically created nutrients to fill gaps in a plant-based diet for cats.
I'd never do it to my kitties because I'm a FiLtHy CaRnIsT, but with proper supervision from a vet it sounds doable. At least not worse than Great Value cat food that's grain forward.
TL;DR idk why Admins are censoring discussion. This is how things are learned and I thought Lemmy might be a place for that.
For context, the story I read a similar comment under was about a decades long vegan forest firefighter who was unable to receive vegan meals through his employer (given that they’re very much “in the field” they can’t really bring their own). After complaining, he was suspended without pay by the employer and he tried to fight that, arguing that his vegan lifestyle was a creed.
That context changes things for me at least, maybe not for you.
In order to understand that, you have to realise that veganism is not a diet, but an ethical belief. A huge part that often comes up is diet, of course, since we all eat, and often in a social setting. But it also concerns, for example:
Not using wool and leather
Not visiting for-profit zoos
Not using cosmetic tested on animals
Not riding horses or attending horse-related entertainment
It is an all-round ethical standpoint, and not just a diet fad. You may or may not agree with it, that's how beliefs work, but ridiculing the thought of it being a protected belief seems narrow minded.
Some vegans decide all cats, like all other animals, should join their club, whether they want to or not. Deemed dubious practice by some but not impossible by others.
Admin loses mind, power trips.
You're caught up.
You forget the community mods banning an admin and reinstating a bunch of deleted comments.
We already feed cats what we want them to eat, you realize this, right?
Go look what's in canned cat food and tell me which of it a cat would be eating if it was a wild cat. You'd have to generalize pretty hard and still all you'd be able to say is "they both would be eating meat".
This whole issue is about whether its dangerous to have that discussion on a discussion board specifically for that topic.
Its very telling that I can have this discussion in my veterinarians office with the staff there and have a markedly different experience than the average person here accusing vegans of harming cats.
I wonder if we need some kind of middle ground like Twitter where you leave the content up, with a big banner saying "this content is bullshit and here is the evidence"?
While I agree that harmful information should probably be hidden so that impressionable people don't act on it, I also don't like non-experts being the arbiters of censorship.
Lock the thread with a pinned comment to some actual evidence proving them wrong would be the closest alternative we have.
Ideally the mod should've pinned a comment with the risks and a disclaimer about the serious ethical concerns. They instead deleted legitimate information.
Absolutely, first he lumps dogs and cats together, they have extremely different dietary needs.
Second, I couldn't find anything specific to cats dietary needs being met by a vegan diet. The video's sources seem to be based on self reporting surveys. Not science.
Just so you're aware, you didn't reply to any comment
Yeah, no coffee, I meant to reply to the guy spamming the YT video. Then could find the comment to move it. Oh well.
I like that you brought this up.
Dogs are omnivores with sensitive stomachs. Kinda like me, and a host of other people on this planet.
Cats are obligate carnivores. They also have sensitive stomachs. This is how I prefer to eat, but I do in fact needs to eat more fruits and veggies.
if cats were vegan, they'll be eating grass like the gazelles in the Serengeti.
you don't feed lions a vegan diet just like you don't feed giraffes a meat diet.
not that hard.
Best most relevant meme so far, thank you.
Cats do actually eat grass on occasion, although its typically as a digestive aid rather than for the nutrition.
you don’t feed lions a vegan diet
You don't typically keep lions as pets. Elephants subsist on a vegan diet, but I wouldn't try to feed them either. Their rate of consumption would bankrupt me inside a week. Even when I would feed a cat, its not like I'm just releasing live mice into the house. I feed them per-processed kibble just like I'd feed a dog.
There do exist brands of "Vegan Cat Food" that have protein supplements that the manufacturers claim will meet the basic needs of the animal. Maybe a vet can give you better insight on the long term health impact, but it seems like we're feeding our pets heavily manufactured food either way.
There do exist brands of “Vegan Cat Food” that have protein supplements that the manufacturers claim will meet the basic needs of the animal.
that the manufacturers claim will meet the basic needs
Cats have specific nutritional needs, including protein requirements and amino acids (such as taurine and arachidonic acid). These needs cannot be met by a vegan diet without synthetic supplements. Additionally, taurine, (an amino acid, which is needed for many of your cat’s vital tissues and organs including their heart, eyesight, and immune system) is an essential part of a cat’s diet. Cats cannot make their own taurine so they must have it in their diet. Natural taurine can only be found in animal-based proteins.
where is the science, the studies, etc. that prove the safety and benefits of vegan alt food (both short and long term studies that aren't funded by said manufacturer)? Nowhere? okay then.
I just had a look over there, every post bar one in the last week is about vegan cats.
They're not handling this well at all.
What the hell? If a human decides to go vegan, then great! But forcing a CARNIVOROUS animal into it is just animal abuse.
This topic touches a very soft spot in my heart as I've had to watch a cat die from being forced on a vegan diet. I've seen the results, and it is so very sad. Keep your goddamn morals out of other's lives. Especially an animal that has no say in the matter. Fuck vegans.
Whoah whoah whoah. Let's chill with the general fuck vegans statement. Most vegans are just people. Now the psycho vegans who try to make their cats eat vegan. Fuck those people. But broad statements like "fuck this group" tend to stick in people's heads and promote undeserved hate. "Fuck the Nazi's"? Yeah. "Fuck Germans"? No.
Don't even bother.
That person is so obviously full of shit, picking the most obvious and easiest strawman to beat on.
I am vegetarian and know many vegans.
None would even think about torturing our pets to death with food that is not edible for the specific species.
On the other hands I have heard multiple omnivores tell stories about how they "know" crazy vegans that would do shit like that.
There are some crazies (like in any big group of people) and I can't know if OP accidentally ran into one, but the way they generalize makes it clear to me that they are the one with issues, not every run of the mill vegan.
Vegans usually care a great deal about animals, including carnivorous animals. So fuck them right back for spewing their indiscriminate hatred.
Nah yo, fuck vegans.
Every fucking one of them, idgaf if you think some are 'good' or 'nice' or 'just keep to themselves'
Fuck _ All _ Vegans
Then "most vegans" need to tell those vegans to shut the fuck up. Just like the Germans did the Nazis.
I'm stuck with a memory I can never get rid of because some piece of shit decided to do that to this poor animal. It couldn't even hold it's head up because it was infected so bad and didn't even have to the energy to live. I got to sit there and watch it's life slip from it's body and there was nothing I could do. It was withered to bones.
They never saw jail time or even punished in the slightest amount.
So don't come in here telling me to play nice.
10+ years vegan here. You should not feed plants to a carnivore. Maybe in the future, but not today. I attended a PETA workshop about a healthy plant-based diet a couple years ago and everybody agreed on that. I met a lot of different vegans and not once have I heard this opinion.
Keep your goddamn morals out of other's lives. Especially an animal that has no say in the matter.
You are on to something here.
I attended a PETA workshop about a healthy plant-based diet a couple years ago and everybody agreed on that.
Yeah, PETA wants to be the only ones who kill housepets. If all the cats are dead from vegan diets, there won’t be any left for PETA to kidnap and euthanize.
/s but not really because PETA habitually steals pets and immediately euthanizes them before the owner can reclaim them.
Wow. If PETA think you're nuts, you're definitely nuts.
Yeah I see no difference between militant pro-lifers and militant vegans. You don’t get a say in how I choose to interpret the information presented to me. But if you want to teach me things I didn’t know before or hadn’t considered I’m happy to listen. Just don’t tell me my choices are morally reprehensible when they’re my choices
It's not just your choices alone, you're ignoring something here: If the animal whose death you pay for every day could speak, it would object. If it could defend itself, it would fight against its death. It wants to go on living just like you. But you kill it anyway, against its will, because you can, because the animal is innocent and because you simply like it's taste.
In addition to this violence, animal agriculture is also causing great damage to our planet, so your personal choice affects the lifes of other people, living and yet to be born as well. I can hardly think of any parallels to the pro-lifers.
Yeah! Nobody should be making decisions for a helpless animal over what diet they think is acceptable. Anyone who kills innocent cows over their belief in meat eating should be locked up.
Not the evil cows, though. They know what they did.
My condolences but DAMN just look at all the asshole vegans downvoting you
Also: Fuck vegans
By some freak statistical improbability, a significant portion of the Lemmy community revealed that they're all qualified to debate the science of the nutritional needs of animals.
Look I'm not a vet but I know I can't feed my cat avacados, grapes, onions... ect. I dont need to be a helicopter pilot to know that when I see one flown into a tree to know someone fucked up.
I wouldn't go that far. I think it is more about people knowing just enough to be dangerous.
Apropos of nothing - a few months ago I was looking at one of the sites that curated Fediverse block lists. (Can't remember which one.)
Now some of the blocks were quite reasonable. If a hundred site admins look at your site and go "wait a second, these guys are Nazis" and block the site, that's not so controversial, OK?
But some of the blocks were, uh, how do I put this...?
Individual drama between site admins and their cliques.
So much beef.
So much beef that I immediately thought "gee, how can c/vegan even safely exist in Lemmy? There's so much beef everywhere."
Well played
something something vegan cat food, something something discourse about cats and food, something something head mod yeeted the entire thread and called it a day, something something lemmy.world TOS updated to reflect the decision positively.
Hence, why we're here now. I think i kinda agree with the vegans, depends on the thread itself, i wasnt there, but someone who yelled at me in dms makes me think it wasn't super spicy, and if it wasn't then who cares.
something something vegan cat food
think i kinda agree with the vegans
are you kidding me?
Cats are obligate carnivores and cannot obtain all the nutrients they need from plants alone.
Cats have specific nutritional needs, including protein requirements and amino acids (such as taurine and arachidonic acid). These needs cannot be met by a vegan diet without synthetic supplements.
Additionally, taurine, (an amino acid, which is needed for many of your cat’s vital tissues and organs including their heart, eyesight, and immune system) is an essential part of a cat’s diet. Cats cannot make their own taurine so they must have it in their diet. Natural taurine can only be found in animal-based proteins.
Cats can become very ill if given a plant-based diet which has not been supplemented with these nutrients. If you are still considering feeding your cat a vegan diet, please speak to your vet beforehand.
The whole conversation from the vegan side has been that those proteins and other substances essential to cats are already commonly synthesized for things like animal feed or even human energy drinks. Your own source says it's impossible without synthetic supplementation, but the deleted comments from that dumpster fire were specifically about synthetic supplementation.
I'm not an expert in this stuff but I can see when comments aren't actually engaging with arguments from the other side, which is why I think that the vegans have the better argument in this whole saga.
From your source:
There are some commercial vegan diets available which have synthetically made nutrients to replace those found only in animal based ingredients.
The discussion is about commercial vegan cat food, which had the nutrients cats need, just sourced without killing other animals. The science on these diets is still relatively new, but early studies are looking pretty good.
are you kidding me?
It could range from literally anything to "yeah so wouldnt it be funny if we fed cats vegan food, lol that would be so silly" to "we should force feed every cat in the world a vegan diet"
There is VERY large difference between the two. Like i said, i wasn't there, i didn't read the thread, but it didn't sound super excessive. It seems like the current rule is they can talk about it in the explicit context of research and data, but that seems a little strict to me, as it ignores the philosophical, ethical, and moral implications of it, it's hard to determine whether that's something you should or shouldn't do if talking about it is literally banned.
They banned an admin and reinstated a bunch of deleted comments.
I don't know what else they expected.
yeah idk really, im not sure why they immediately rolled out a global moderation thing as well, that was extremely shitty lol.
I'm sure I'd enjoy a vegan cat. Probably less chewy.
It's more that they have weaker muscles so they come pretenderized.
Oh they just drank a halfn'half baybeeee (vegan police noises)
Chicken isn't vegan?
Never would have happened with a capy!
This post is honestly an excuse for anti-vegan bashing. Even if some vegan mods have bad takes for cat nutrition it shouldn't excuse the hate circle jerk on display here .
Remember to always be sceptical towards presentations that try to make you angry like this.
This post is honestly an excuse for anti-vegan bashing. Even if some vegan mods have bad takes for cat nutrition it shouldn’t excuse the hate circle jerk on display here .
As anyone reading the comment section would see, there's far from a 'hate circle jerk' on display here.
Remember to always be sceptical towards presentations that try to make you angry like this.
And remember to always be skeptical towards presentations that insinuate that justified anger towards harmful conduct is an overreaction, and you really just need to chill and sit back and let it happen.
Perhaps one should also be skeptical towards presentations that attempt to dismiss criticism as 'bashing' and irrational regardless of the context or actual content of the criticisms.
Anger shuts down critical thinking. This is why all reactionary content tries to make us angry (or scared).
I never said to just "chill and sit back and let it happen." nor did I say not to criticize. But what you're doing is ragebaiting which is harmful
Hello, blood mouth here checking in.
That's okay, they're just vegans.
You ever see the movie Raw? Yeah not good
I'm pretty sure they're talking about the Eddie Murphy special.
Nah, it's a French movie released in 2016 but I guess it's called Grave in French. Basically some vegetarians (I thought they were vegan hence the reference that no one seemed to like) turn into cannibals.
Know how to tell someone is a Vegan?
They'll tell you. Immediately, and never, ever shut up about it. Ever.
You know how to tell someone isn't vegan. They always make this comment. Always.
That's because you don't know about those who don't
Some of my best friends are vegan. They gladly come over to my BBQs when I'm grilling a brisket or tri-tip, and I'll always grill extra veggies for them. They don't always talk about being vegan and don't shame me for eating meat. Don't rush to assume the entire group is bad because you've had a few bad experiences with them.
This has the same energy as people who think every queer person is either a butch lesbian or an effeminate gay guy. You can't know unless they tell/show you, so if you don't ask, the only people you'll see are 'obvious' already.
It's just confirmation bias.
I use Arch BTW
Most of y'all need to calm the fuck down.
Vegan cat food has been a thing for a minute
It would be much bigger news if vegans were killing their cats in mass in pursuit of a vegan diet. But it seems most of you are blinded by rage of otherizing people then wanting to have a discussion.
Now bring on the down votes because most of you ornery ones think just because it's sold on Amazon doesn't mean it healthy for cat or some shit idk. It looks like Benevo gets 200 orders a month those cats really sound like their starving.
Lemmy.world really is reddit huh?
Don't.... feed cats food they're not evolved to survive off of. It's not a hard concept.
I would be extremely cautious giving a cat any of these products. Dry food is already not great for cats; it tends to be very carb heavy, and cats need a very low carb, high protein diet. On top of that, cats are obligate carnivores, meaning their wild diet is almost entirely animal meat, aside from the contents of their prey's stomachs (they will occasionally eat or chew some plants or grasses, but that's usually for their digestive tract, not nutrition). I'm very skeptical that you can give a cat a healthy diet with these vegan kibbles, which all seem to be mostly grains.
Censorship of dissidence discussions due to "misinformation," "disinformation," and only allowing "science."
Our science institutions and media are just as corrupt as our politicians; that is why critical thinking should be encouraged instead of more censorship to baby the people.
Liar calls scrubbing of misinformation "censorship". In other news, bear shits in woods. More at 11.
Joining in on the lemmy circle jerk of name calling those that don't fall in line to your status quo.
Cats are obligate carnivores. Forcing them on a vegan diet is animal abuse
I am not disputing that claim.
I am pointing out the "science" that started the whole event.
IIRC, it was a reputable source, not just some random website talking conspiracies.
The mods were removed because they were deleting factual information
I don't have a lot of context around this issue either as I don't subscribe to c/vegan, but one could make a compelling argument that stating a claim which is at odds with science as being fact (rather than stating something like 'I believe (or 'These sources say') that feeding cats plant-based diets is safe, but these sources disagree') is in itself disinformation. Stating a disputed thing as fact is at the very least misleading, and when it's dealing with the health of animals, that probably should be enough to attract scrutiny.