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  • there are some ahem "works of fiction" that not only explore that, but also refer to it as "selfcest"

    so... yes and no? yesn't?

  • Yes, a clone is not yourself (masturbation) and is not a doppelganger but a entity similar to but not itself yourself. So 1 doesn't equal 1.5

  • Without some kind of rapid aging, a clone of yourself would have to be grown from infancy. I suppose if you were cloned at an early age, and then waited until your clone was of age for consensual sex, it would be incest.

  • I don't think so because every so often in my life people have told me to .... go fuck myself

    It's an act that many of us would condone for others .... especially Larry, he's a real jerk, he can go fuck himself