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Anyone else still kinda miss Reddit?

Maybe I just miss Reddit is Fun, not Reddit, but I still have RiF installed (I just can't delete it) and it still "works". I can't sign in or participate, but fuck I miss browsing everything. I've definitely replaced it with Kbin, but opening the RiF app just gives me sadness. Fuck spez.

  • I miss what it was. But it's dead now, and there's a corpse walking around in its skin, and when I'm away from here and among others who haven't made the switch, I feel like the only person at the party who noticed there's a slimy CEO in an ill-fitting snoo suit pretending to be our friend (sometimes).

    Like any other dead thing, I can't bring it back, so I have to move on.

    I notice I'm more productive now. That's nice.

  • My online experience has been much better without reddit. kbin is awesome and I want nothing to do with reddit. Last week I deleted my 10 year old account and I even add "-reddit" to the end of my google searches now so nothing from them comes up in the results. The interesting thing I'm noticing is that the longer I'm away from that toxic hellhole the better I feel. Thank goodness for kbin!

    On a sidenote, I'm also fully aware that a company as aggressive and twisted as reddit will definitely have agents in here trying to manipulate the conversation to get people to come back. I ain't never coming back. Reddit sucks. I see you. Quit your BS.

  • Fuck Spez.

    Nope, I had kind of got sick of Reddit, it was just a source of info. I barely interacted anymore.

    I'm far more active here, it's exciting to have a new place.

  • after 12 years on the platform, no. the amount of change for the worse that's taken place during that time is too much, and this most recent fuck up was the final straw. i was online before reddit and i'll remain online after reddit

  • No. I am sick and tired of toxic-ass trolls with nothing better to do than make other people miserable, and those seem to be rare on the fediverse, so I'm staying here. The last half decade of Reddit got worse and worse and worse with this, especially during and after the 2016 US presidential election.

    I've also noticed that the "caliber" of people that post here is quite different than your average Reddit user. On Reddit, I'll often try to have a serious conversation only to find out the person I'm talking to is just a teenage troll just looking to get a rise out of people for kicks. That has not happened to me here yet. When I migrated over, it's like all the children and toxic people vanished.

  • I miss having information compiled in one site (Reddit). I just made an RSS to replace it.

  • No, because I'm still using it.
    Also, it's just a website. I'm using it only to get interesting content, not even to engage with other users, because that's usually hostile and toxic. I couldn't be emotionally invested in a website, even less in one that has such a shitty userbase.

  • I miss some niche communities but I like the concentration of thoughtful responses here.

  • I don’t miss it because I keep using it. The communities I follow there are niche and they are completely dead on the Fediverse. I keep opening Kbin every other day just to find that my "new" feed still shows posts from 2 weeks ago without even scrolling.

    Also, most of what I dislike from Reddit is still here.

    Tons of people on the Fediverse craft their responses to fish upvotes, and circlejerking/echo-chambers are here too. Just last week I got a fresh breeze of downvotes and angry commenters because I expressed that I dislike Steam, on the PCgaming magazine, which is the same thing that would’ve happened on r/gaming, r/pcmasterrace or another similar toxic cesspool on Reddit.

    • This, I'm trying to be the change I want to see etc. on Kbin. But in order to fully recreate what I have on Reddit I'd have to recreate, moderate, and cough up content for like a dozen niche subs. Because of how my life is right now I don't have the energy to do one. I haven't noticed much of the toxicity, but any online space that revolves around gaming seems to turn into a toilet within a matter of days anyway, so it's sadly unsurprising.

  • @bbplay13 yes, I miss the good parts as well...I used to be able to ask a question on how to repair something and get 20 solid responses in under an hour. There may be a corner of the fediverse that will fill a similar niche, but so far I haven't found it. I spend most of my time over on , now, which seems to have more traffic, and maybe more niches. We'll see. I'm certainly NOT going back to reddit, but I do indeed wish it hadn't gone so pear-shaped, so quickly.

  • There’s literally one or two niche communities I still poke in on for news, but I’ve stopped participating.

  • For me, Reddit died long before the whole ordeal of the API controversy. More and more traffic was due to bots, and lately I started to receive a lot of spam from porn bots there. There's not a lot of incentive on part of Reddit to remove them, since bot activity is still activity they can present to investors.

    Don't get me wrong, not all bots are bad, but spambots are universally harmful.

  • I miss the golden days of reddit, like from when I first discovered it in 2011 to about 2015. It just seemed more possible to have in depth conversations around that time, discover new and exciting communities, and overall just feel good to be part of the community. As it basically started to replace all web communities, became more corporate, and as political discourse became more common and hostile, it started to become less and less enjoyable, but I continued to browse because by that time I had an addiction that to this day I'm still trying to kick.

    kbin and lemmy sorta give me that feel I had for early reddit, and even though I still haven't fully kicked reddit, I do spend a lot more screen time here than I do on my reddit subs, and I barely browse their front page anymore. Overall, I think I just have an internet addiction that I need to manage overall, but at the very least kbin is giving me some of the highs I used to enjoy with reddit.

  • i've unsubbed everything except those niche sub for news and technical help, rarely goes there anymore but might help with the r/place protest