"Punishment" by Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
"Punishment" by Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
Source: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Punishment
RSS Feed: https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/rss
"Punishment" by Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
Source: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Punishment
RSS Feed: https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/rss
Google doesn't even treat the quotes as a requirement anymore, just as a suggestion.
I was searching for something the other day, such as 'blah blah text'. Google asked if I wanted results that must contain 'text' so I clicked on it and it changed to 'blah blah "text"'.
The results were exactly the same. Except now the suggestion asked if the results must contain "text". So I blocked that. And now the search was for 'blah blah ""text""'
This hurts me on a spiritual level
My mom used to rely on me to do anything technical because I was around, and I was pretty good at it. Since I've moved out, she went from calling me all the time about anything to do with the computer to experimenting and learning a bit before she calls me. Overall, I'm proud of her for branching out and doing something challenging. With that being said, the other day I watched her not only print out a website rather than bookmark it, but the way she printed it was by opening word, using print screen to screen cap the site, pasting the screen cap into word and then printing it from word.
Incredible problem solving skills. She knows word is the print program and she figured out how to get the stuff from the internet into the print program!
We grew up with the technology, and understand how it works on a more basic level. But if you don't?
I'm really curious to see what will come along that will fuck with my understanding on the same level.
Oh absolutely, and this is why I make an effort not to get frustrated when her experiments lead to unpredictable results. Like when she forgot her email password and by the time she gave up and called me had accidentally opened three or four new accounts.
Honestly I print like that too, but to be fair I've only printed things out like 5 times from back in primary school
I once met a man who was complaining about how much time he had to spend copying an email into a word processor. I realized that he had been doing it manually because he didn't know that he could copy-paste.
No, I don't believe you that is not possible!
and also typing only with index fingers constantly looking at the keyboard :'( :'( :'(
And changing constanstly between keyboard and mouse... and taking a few seconds to find the cursor with every change.
My oldest daughter learned to type like this and I swear she hit 30wpm roblox chatting
There’s a special hell designed for vim users that also works like this.
:set mouse=a
Alternative: he is using software you're familiar with to do something very specific that it can technically do but wasn't designed for. Someone else hacked it together for him but now that system has broken down. He doesn't know the names of any part of it, only that it used to do the thing and now it doesn't. Also he is on the phone and you can't see his screen.
There are five other people with equally obtuse problems waiting on five other phones, becoming increasingly frustrated and irrational the longer it takes to solve this one. There is no call waiting and the people have nothing else to do, so each phone never stops ringing until answered.
This comment gave me PTSD.
So,pretty much any office worker with excel (or PowerPoint, if some text layout is involved).
Kind of niche, but anything Adobe for me. I'm in printing, and yes, I know I'm a pathetic dinosaur.
I was talking to a support once and he was watching my screen while I had to type the commands. I asked him if he was bored and he said it was like watching a movie in slow motion and I always remember that when I have to do the same.
I've done that on the support side too. Have to remember that they haven't done it as many times as you, but it's still frustrating. Brain wants to move on.
I'm a teacher aid. I have to remotely help students qhen they sre stuck on a programming exercise. Teams calls woth screen share. I have mastered the skill of patience so much, I could start a youtube channel.
Mouse sensitivity on max and selecting and copy/paste stuff with the mouse exclusively.
Wait. Pardon my ignorance. How do you select text with the keyboard?
Usually with Shift + [Movement key]
Movement keys: up/down/left/right, av pag, re pag, start, end, control + left/right/start/end.
As the bonus panel says:
"Paste", using a toolbar pulldown? You swine!
selects something by drag- Misses one letter - klicks around aimlessly until the selection goes away for some reason - selects again - moves fingers on mouse so they can use the same finger for right and left click - right click - needs to read the whole context menu to find "copy" - clicks on "paste" instead - is confused for 20 seconds - repeats the whole fucking thing, but hits "copy" this time - clicks around in the taskbar until they stumble upon the other window they wanted - looks around the screen aimlessly until they find the text prompt they were looking for - right clicks - another 20 seconds to find "paste" - clicks on paste the first time and looks proud about that
cough cough vim cough cough
Technically not a hotkey...
The only thing worse is inheriting someone's working files and seeing how grossly inefficient they built it.
And he points things out by touching the screen. While eating crisps.
My mum on her way to tap the back button on her phone to close an app:
My take is that younger dude is being forced to watch older dude participate in a stimulating truth social conversation.