What's your favorite controller?
What's your favorite controller?
What's your favorite controller?
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To be specific, the Xbox One Elite controller. I really liked the Series 2 but it fell apart on me. I never had much issue with the original. I'm a glutton for punishment though, and I'd get another Series 2. I don't mind working on them so it isn't the biggest deal
I really love the Switch Pro controller, but I wish it had analog triggers. I also have love for the GameCube controller. I am at home with the N64 controller, but I can't say it's a favorite
It's probably because I have bias, but I've never cared for any of Sony's offerings. Something about the sticks doesn't feel right with both being at the bottom
I grew up with the PS Dualshock and Dualshock 2 controllers. They were all I ever knew as a kid. But, I absolutely prefer the XBox layout now as well. Something about it just works better for me. On the other hand, my wife also only knew PS growing up and she just can't get used to the XBox layout.
I can switch between any controller and not think about it. My poor partner has to try to keep up with what console or PC and controllers we are using
Same thing for me. I switch effortlessly and she really struggles with it.
I think I saw this idea somewhere. Make pictures of the button layouts and put which ever you are using next to or under the TV where she can see it so she doesn't have to keep looking down
She almost never games and it's always with a PS controller. So no need for that usually, but I'll definitely keep that in mind.
The only one i still have issues with is going from xbox to nintendo controllers, because they use the same abxy face buttons, but they switched them around.
I like what switch games do when you're using a single joy-con, they just show a button with an arrow pointing to which direction the button is, so what's printed on the button doesn't matter at all.
I've actually started using the Japanese style for PS controllers. O for okay, and X for no. I've only succeeded in fucking myself up since majority of my shit is American. I have a tablet and a DS4 at the moment, and it is getting me by
My series 1 ended up developing a pretty bad flaw with the input chip and is dead-dead. It also developed a sticky X button right away, which I could repair but went back to not being perfect. The Series 2 has been more reliable, but I also use it less.