Sound speed fix, sound now travels the same speed as light.
This change has been reverted as it caused all high explosives to have the effect of nuclear weapons. The developers apologize for the inconvenience. In compensation, DNA has been given resistance to radiation damage: this reduces the speed of evolution, but prevents cancers from all the nuclear waste caused by the previous patch. As a bonus, humans with low melanin no longer develop skin cancer due to perfectly ordinary sunlight. Sunburn is still a hazard; wear sunscreen!
Yes, sound is carried in waves of matter. If sound moved at light speed, the.matter must also. Interesting thought of the day, your heartbeat would explode your chest.
Sound waves are pressure waves, so it isn't matter that moves in only one direction. It's matter that moves back and forth. Therefore I assume the wave can propagate faster than the matter moves.
When two objects collide, the maximum internal propagation speed of the shock wave is limited by the local speed of sound in the material itself, which is typically 2000-6000 meters per second (m/s).
In low earth orbit, satellites move faster than that, around 7000-7700 m/s. So when they collide (at up to twice that amount in closing velocity), the structure of the satellites is moving faster than the resulting internal shock wave. In one case, there was still a signal sent from a satellite a split second AFTER it had smashed through another satellite, because the resulting shock wave hadn't finished destroying it yet.
Source: I'm a space systems engineer, and one of my colleagues wrote his PhD thesis on this topic.