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Pilot disappeared mid-flight without a trace while trying to catch a UFO Pilot disappeared mid-flight without a trace while trying to catch a UFO

Here is the story of Felix Moncla and Robert Wilson disappeared while intercepting an unidentified aircraft over Lake Superior, America in 1953.

Pilot disappeared mid-flight without a trace while trying to catch a UFO

During a a stormy evening on 23 November, 1953, the two men were stationed at Kinross Base (now known as Kincheloe Air Force Base) in Wisconsin when a report came in of an unidentified flying object (UFO, now known as UAP) over Lake Superior, near the commercial Soo Locks region at the US-Canadian border.

Moncla and Wilson were swiftly dispatched to perform an air defence intercept. However the pair would never return from the mission.

The pair were assisted to the unidentified object by ground radars, who watched as the two blips on the screen collided with each other and all communications and tracking with Moncla and Wilson's aircraft ceased.

The unidentified aircraft would then veer off the radar as well.