And they wonder why there's retention issues...
And they wonder why there's retention issues...
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The original was posted on /r/antiwork by /u/yogfthagen on 2023-09-10 16:28:02.
TLDR: new hire will get 20-30% more than me (10 years experience)
So, department had a meeting a few months ago because morale on the company survey had cratered. Smoking hole. Really bad.
In the meeting, we all explained why we felt that the company did not care (unresponsive, management cared but didn't have the authority to fix anything, random changes to everything we did, complete chaos in the company).
As a result, I got a 10% raise. This was after I told my manager, "There comes a point where it's not about the money." I was a heartbeat from turning it down because it's not the pay, it's the conditions. My group had been cut in half, the only other guy was about to retire, and we had ramped up from pandemic level of work to pre-pandemic level of work. One unit has a new multi-billion dollar contract signed and ready to go, and is bidding on a third. Another unit increased their projects eight-fold. And nobody has the staff to cover ANY of this. I'm doing 60 hour weeks to keep up with my emails, let alone do the job.
So, company decides to hire a new person in my group.
Turns out the new people are asking for 20% more than my NEW wage.
Okay, so I can just ask for more, right?
Except for the company policy that, once you get a raise, you have to wait a year to ask for another.
My resume is up to date, and I'm ready to start shot-gunning applications all over the place.
edit- It also explains why half the employees in the company have been there less than 3 years. They keep burning out and leaving.
Company loyalty is not worth it.