I just had a conversation with Hume's new AI voice assistant — and I forgot it wasn't human
I just had a conversation with Hume's new AI voice assistant — and I forgot it wasn't human

EVI 2 is as good as GPT-4o Advanced Voice

I just had a conversation with Hume's new AI voice assistant — and I forgot it wasn't human
EVI 2 is as good as GPT-4o Advanced Voice
My first thought while reading was 'does he also forget to breathe sometimes'?
And then I read the about-the-author bit at the bottom and am also confused if I was talking to a human or an AI, so he might have a point.
"I was talking to this prostitute and I forgot I was married!"
Well, it's stated at the end of the paragraph that the about me was written by ChatGPT.
Hail corporate!
Why do I keep reading it as "and I forgot I wasn't human"?
I just had a conversation with it too. It's slow and not very accurate at hearing me, as well as the voice just kinda changed midway through the conversation. It's a nice concept but not well executed.