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best linux terminal emulator

what is the best linux terminal? I have been using alacritty for years and have been doing well. But I don't think kitty and st. I was wondering if any new projects have come out in recent years.

  • What's wrong with kitty?

    I've been using kitty for some time didn't had any issues, and multiplexing is useful.

    PS: i used tmux for many years, and still use on headless

    • I personally don't use Kitty because, for me, it's much slower to open compared to Alacritty. :)


    Ptyxis is my current go-to. It can detect available pods or toolboxes (maybe docker too haven't tested it) and you can open terminals directly into them. It also highlights ssh terms and root shells differently.

    There are a huge number of built-in color schemes as well and I've had no trouble finding any configuration option I've found myself wanting to look for.

    It's also available on flathub so it's easily installed in most distros.

  • I usually just get by with Alacritty and Zellij, pairs pretty well together.

  • Running Kitty the past year and a bit and really like it. Used to run into weird laggy issues with other terminal emulators, but Kitty runs like a beast for me.

  • Not a new project, but I feel is often overlooked: Sakura. I’ve fallen back to it repeatedly over the years. It is lightweight, opinionated but sane. Not as brutalist as st. I combo it with Tmux using powerline with little tweaking.

    It uses standard libraries and stays out of the way.

  • I've been using xterm, urxvt, and st. Also tested alacrity, kitty, and wezterm. Your shell also plays a critical role in your terminal usage (but I won't deviate here).
    For my use-case, the latter are overkill so I stayed with st. The only missing feature for me was image support even though I use it sporadically. To cover that I use a script that relies on ueberzug or ucollage if I need to browse folders.

    I've wrote a small post about ucollage if you're interested.

  • Foot because it's sway default. It's also configurable, has shortcuts and sixel support.

  • ghostty looks promising, but it's in "closed beta" for now. When it's released, it will be public and open source. :)

  • I consider st a great choice when using i3 or dwm. Customizing it takes time, but RAM usage is what I usually check and in case of st it is comically small.