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  • My dogs know the sound of Mailman Mike's truck when it's a couple blocks away. They go outside to get a treat from him every day when he drives by. I'm guessing they won't do this once he switches to a quiet EV.

    Electric motors gave a quiet high pitched whine that will be extremely easy for dogs to hear and will the mailman is coming once they catch on.

    So glad to see the upgrade actually has quality of life features for the drivers beyond not needing to breathe in exhaust fumes all day!

  • Thank god because I live in AZ and felt bad they had no AC. I even had one break down on the street as the engine overheated the driver didn’t know what to do. But it sucks the driver was worried about making deliveries on time. I told the driver not to drive that car cause it’s not safe

  • Given the fashion for giving vehicle models latinate masculine names like Camino and Montero, they missed a trick by not naming the postal vehicle the Tristero.