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'We Are All Culpable': Matt Nelson Self-Immolates to Protest Israel's Gaza Onslaught | Common Dreams 'We Are All Culpable': Matt Nelson Self-Immolates to Protest Israel's Gaza Onslaught | Common Dreams

In a video, Nelson said he would set himself ablaze "to stop supplying Israel with the money and weapons it uses to imprison and murder innocent Palestinians" and "to pressure Israel to end the genocide in Gaza."

'We Are All Culpable': Matt Nelson Self-Immolates to Protest Israel's Gaza Onslaught | Common Dreams

For the third time since Israel launched a war on Gaza for which it is currently on trial for genocide at the World Court, a person in the United States has set themself on fire to protest Israel's killing of more than 41,000 Palestinians and U.S. complicity in the slaughter.