It doesn't mind waiting for you to finish
It doesn't mind waiting for you to finish
It doesn't mind waiting for you to finish
Better than the inpatient toilets with the sensor that flushes the moment you lift your butt. I did not ask for Poseidon's wind Willy!
It's supposed to be better to close the lid, before flushing.
I saw a video somewhere picturing the fecal mist that gets sprayed upwards, if the lid stays open when flushing. It convinced me.
I thought it would be forced out between the gaps at an even higher rate of speed, so it was somewhat lose-lose.
Fecal Mist, the new fragrance for him, by Dior.
Why did it need the picture? 😂
In the same cubicle is an angry, impatient toilet. It has a goatee.
It has a goatee.
A toilet from the Mirror Universe.
Does it still get angry if I suck my turd back in at the last minute. I think nobody just hasn't tested it's resolve.