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  • Extensions are amazing if you need one or two small fwatures but if you mod something too much it will break eventually even if there is no update to the API. This time it's a easy fix again but it's also quite universal breakage sincee they switch from GJS to some more normal JS implementation and that changes some syntax but I expect developers to implement that quickly, maybe most of it could even be done with scripts I guess.

  • This is like the primary reason I use XFCE

    It just works nicely and efficiently and you can customize it in every way possible. Hell you can change the compositor or even run a subset like xfce-panel.

    The only real downside is XFCE doesn't have wayland support, which in of itself is already an arguable need.

    GNOME is like using a chromebook which is insulting to the ability of a computer.

  • Laugh in Cinnamon..
    I was grow up using windows xp and 7 btw.. XD