look upon my works ye mighty and despair
look upon my works ye mighty and despair
look upon my works ye mighty and despair
Reading the comments tells me that most people here do not appreciate exactly how far Pizza Hut fell. For many Gen-X's 1980's Pizza Hut was peak dining. The pizza was buttery deliciousness with full table service like a fancy restaurant, complimentary salad bar for my mom, fancy booths or tables, mood lighting for the folks on a date, and a video game arcade. Going to Pizza Hut was an event. I tried Pizza Hut again in the 2010's and vowed to never attempt to soil my memories like that ever again.
Remember the book-it pizza thing?
Oh man that was the best
Pretty much any big name pizza place is the same story. A cycle of "make it smaller", "make it out of cheaper ingredients", "put less on it" and "make it cost more" has left most of them barely recognisable as pizza.
The best pizza near any of us is probably from a local family run pizza place.
The best value pizza is probably Costco.
I don't know why everybody else continues to exist. A mountain of brand recognition heading towards oblivion.
Whereas nowadays if you want to have the modern Pizza Hut experience you can order pizza from anywhere... then just eat the box. 😬
Pizza Hut buffet was a good deal for the price and quality, if you wanted to go have a lunch of real pizza.
Our local one is still here but they sold the big red roof building and moved into a strip mall. No inside dining, carry out only. I miss the drive-through though - used to be able to just order online or call and not have to get out of my car to get it. Now I have to park and walk inside and my precious convenience is reduced. But I still refuse to pay for Doordash type bullshit.
There is a pizza hut nearby that still does buffets. I went about a year ago. It wasn't bad.
pizza hut in the small town i grew up in stayed like that until the 2018 when the sole owner died and his inheritors outsourced its management rather than returning to bfe to run it (i don't blame them) and i feel like that's how most older establishments enshittify.
there was no way he was making money, but he CLEARLY loved pizza & people and was happy doing it.
Such fond memories. This and Shakey's.
Really around here they have made a come back
Could someone elaborate which empire this used to be, for the non-US users? 🙂
I think this was Pizza Hut?
I assumed this is a Pizza Hut based on the roof but they still exist so I'm not sure it fits?
I like the version of this meme that's a picture of a building with an outline of a former Sears logo on the front
An extinct civilisation called Heetzah Putt, rumoured to be near the lost city of Atlantis.
This belongs in a museum!!
I know at least one in our town that's turned into a cannabis dispensary. Seems to me a smart business man would figure out how to combine the two...
Cheba Hut comes close and is a real place, but they don't sell weed...yet
No weed, but they do have Koolaid, which kinda makes up for it.
There is one near me that is now a church.
The maintenance on those buildings at this point would be major. Probably not worth the investment.
Guess they got out-pizza'd after all
fancy it up and the red still bleeds
Mmmm Cora
With that logo and those buildings, they were clearly supposed to be named Pizza Hat until they changed it at the last minute.
More's the pity, since "hut" never made sense for pizza and Pizza Hat sounds like the ultimate slacker Halloween costume 😁
In Germany it was always confusing but fun because "hut" just means hat
Hut always made sense to me. Making pizza in a hut... sort of a quaint name when thought of that way
You just solved history.
I did? Where's my celebratory sash?
Looks like a Chinese buffet to me
That would be 3 different Chinese buffets over a 5 year period!
Ours moved in to a strip mall and went pick up or delivery only. The old location is a really over priced shitty coffee house now.
I can still smell the smoking section
Apparently Yum! Foods Inc (the owners of Taco Bell, KFC, A&W, Long John Silvers, and of course Pizza Hut), has been going around buying back a bunch of the old Red Roof stores (as they're known internally, they're actually a different district than a "regular" store right down the street, too) with plans to reopen them, salad bars and all.
I love seeing places that were clearly something else. Plenty of places in old Pizza Huts. But I really wanna see the Wienerschnitzel in my city that operates out of a giant hot dog go out of business and then have, like, a cigarette store open up inside the giant hot dog.
A lot of the best taquerias in my area are in the old taco bell Spanish style buildings
So they didn't end up winning the restaurant wars after all.
They only won that in the non US version. Here in the US it was Taco Bell
No one out-pizzas The Hut.
Apparently someone did:-)
Aren't they growing back into Pizza Huts again?
My favorite poem
The Pizza Hut in my city is still open, but it looks incredibly run-down with weeds all over the almost-always-empty parking lot. Never been there myself, as Pizza Hut had long lost its good reputation before I ever considered going there.
I think I've seen at least one that has returned to Pizza Hut after leaving the folks for a while.
Oh, look. An U.T.B.A.P.H.
While instead, the runs turned out to be quite temporary:-)
Hate to break it to ya, but… Pizza but still exists.
Pizza Butt, more like PIZZA HUT!
I remember being in a certain pizza hut near a certain corporate HQ, and managers from that acquiring corp were working the lunch in the kitchen.
I doubt they knew the end was coming, but I did.
Corp still sells a lot of flavored water.