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ECW One Night Stand 2006 - John Cena vs. Rob Van Dam - World Title Match

I don't think we really finalized a specific day for anything like this, but I was just randomly thinking of this match and decided fuck it, let's do this.

Presented is the entire segment for John Cena vs Rob Van Dam for the title at ECW One Night Stand 2006, including entrances & introductions, the crowd ensuring Cena knows their feelings, and the post-match celebration. Enjoy!

  • I had completely forgotten that Edge played a part in dethroning Cena.

    • Right?? Completely fucking unexpected, and then coupled with the ECW crowd legit starting a "Thank you Edge" cheer.

  • That crowd was great. Some of those chants aimed at Cena were ruthless too. Holy shit lol.

    Was that the only time Cena acted heel? He wasn't over-the-top about it but faces don't hit refs as far as I'm concerned.

    • Not sure if it was the only time, but probably the only time during that run I'd imagine. Given the situation I'd have to assume they decided back stage that Cena would be going into it heel cause if he didn't, the crowd would make him the heel anyway lol

      • Yeah that makes sense. I liked that he came out in black (since he was the heel and all) but I would’ve loved to see him wear his “fruity-pebbles” gear. Might’ve gotten the fans even more pissed off lol.

        EDIT: Looks like I accidentally posted this as a comment instead of a reply to you. That's not the first time lol

  • Was this the original ONS? Or part of WWECW (I'm assuming it was ECW proper but I thought that it had ended by then)? I vaguely remember this period in wrestling but, tbh, 2001-2002(ish) was the last time I was really invested in it, since I left uni in 2003 and didn't really have the time anymore.

    I do remember watching Hardcore TV Saturday nights and seeing Rob and loving him. I wasn't a HUGE fan of ECW, but I knew enough to get by. Was never a big fan of much of the audience, though; thankfully this version seems much more tame while still keeping a bit of an edge.

    • This was ONS 2006, the original was 2005. They did 2005, then this one, then..everything went real downhill with WWECW.

      • Ohh, thanks!

        Yeah I think the one bit of wrestling I watched from 2002 to 2008 was a TNA one cent PPV, for some reason, so I couldn't get my timelines right.