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  • WefWef app on Android. It's been pretty great and seeing it get updates every day with new improvements is nice.

    I switched back to Android right before Apollo came out so I never had experience with that. This is supposedly just like it with fewer features. Even so, I can see why people loved Apollo so much if it resembled WefWef even slightly.

  • I have Memmy, Liftoff, Mlem and wefwef. Like the interfaces of Mlem and wefwef the best so far. One app doesn’t have it all yet and if there’s a hang up with one I can try another!

    • I’m giving wefwef a go since there seems to be more notification options, messages and such available than that of memmy

  • I think it's okay to keep discussing this because the app situation is very much in flux at the moment. I'm on Jerboa because it's the best native app I've found that plays nice with a folding phone and Samsung DeX. My requirements are simple, but they are niche. I'm keeping an eye on a few other apps though because while Jerboa is great as it is there are improvements to be found.

  • I've tried: Connect, Jerboa, Liftoff, Thunder, Summit, and Wefwef.

    For now, I've settled on Liftoff, though I do keep Jerboa installed as well.

    Edit: ah, you're on iOS. In which case, I got nuttin.

  • Here are the apps I've used for Lemmy on Android!

    • Liftoff - my current app of choice. It's very fast, supports the gestures I need, and while it lacks a bit in appearance customization, it makes up for it in speed and features.
    • Connect - I originally wrote it off due to the inability to disable swipe gestures, though I tried to switch back to it after that feature was added. It's now a very pleasant experience, with a lot of customization! The only downside is that it is still slower than Liftoff at the moment.
    • Jerboa - decent, but buggy.
    • Lemmotif - no features, no logins, no customization, no posting, no nothing; just pure, blazingly fast, Lemmy doomscrolling.
  • Liftoff is my favourite so far, but every time I use it I get the theme song from the old Australian kids show of the same name stuck in my head and it drives me insane.

    I used Boost for a couple of years and will almost certainly be switching back to it as soon as it's available, it's set to download immediately from the play store when it releases.

  • I mostly navigate it from my laptop, but in the cases where I use my phone, Jerboa is still my go-to

    Buggy at times, but I like the UI. Definitely open to new apps though. Connect didn't feel like my type, but I might try out

    Boost once it's done, since a friend of mine recommended it for Reddit.

  • Memmy, and occasionally WefWef if I need to check on any odd behavior in Memmy.

    If both are acting odd I web version it to confirm, then file a report.

  • Wefwef while waiting for sync and boost; might actually keep using wefwef though if it keeps improving at this rate. Let's see.

  • Memmy. It even had a full release on the App store a couple of hours ago, so no need for testflight anymore. There are updates almost daily and it gets better and better.

    • Oh that’s great to hear, I was used to refreshing TestFlight and seeing what had been changed

  • Using the website as PWA right now, the layout works well for me and there's no bugs to speak of

  • I keep jumping between wefwef and liftoff.

    With time they are all going to improve and have the things we all want, then I guess it will just be down to taste

  • Jerboa was recommended first and it's available on fdroid, haven't had the need to switch from it yet.