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Why are peole hating on .world?

I've seen around 3 occasions of that this week, altho I have never seen anything like it before.

if I remember correctly they were:

  • smack talking a mod (FlyingSquid) for saying not to report the same comment twice, when they were different comments, and the report was spam
  • someone comparing .world with .ml in politics (as in there was a comment saying "this post will be overrun with .ml people, and then a comment going "but you are from .world") (Maybe Im part of the problem? I have been called out for being a fascist because I questioned the "puching nazis" theme)
  • one more which I can't remember.

Anyways, what is all that about? Are people really starting to hate on 50% of the lemmy population because of their instance?

  • A lot of this boils down to consequences of being the largest instance: typical Reddit users beeline for it, trolls go there, larger comms so more frequent issues with moderation, people who fail to distinguish between "we shouldn't concentrate our activity into the largest instance" and "largest instance bad! EDIT WOW THANKS FOR LE GOLD TO LE KNEE KIND STRANGER!", so goes on.

  • I'd say the biggest criticism is that it's the largest instance, and is also a "general purpose" instance, which sort of takes away from the main goal of the fediverse. When 90% of content comes from one instance, it opposes the goal of decentralization.

    I chose because it's nice and fast, the admins are very good, and its main topic is around technology/software which I like

    • I don't think the existence of large instances is in itself strictly antithetical to decentralization. The network effect makes them inevitable.

      The power in the fediverse is everyone has a standard toolset to interact with the entire fediverse. Most people won't, and that's okay. The important thing is that, should larger communities become too oppresive as they gentrify, replacing them is a cheap decision, as you and everyone like-minded with you can squad up and leave at any time and lose nothing as the standard tooling of the platform facilitates that migration. You have mobility in the fediverse, and that permits choice to those who seek it.

      This will stop being true once the larger instances start augmenting their experiences with proprietary nonsense. Features that only work there, that you can invest into and become dependant on, that you'd have to give up if you leave.

      The day that happens will be the day that chunk of the Fediverse dies. Or, well, it won't die, it will probably flourish and do very well. But it won't be the Fediverse anymore. It will just be another knee-high-fence-gated community, that happens to run on Fediverse tech.

    • I'm on db0 and we have lots of subs aren't on .world. So it possible but you are right in general.

    • Thank you for your work on Photon!

  • .world runs into issues because it's overwhelmingly liberal and the mods are anti-Marxist on a platform built by Communists and dominated by leftists in general. They also defederated from the major Marxist instances. is largely a replication of Reddit as well, so people leaving Reddit also don't necessarily want that either.

    It's also by far the largest instance, not necessarily in a good way. It tends to dominate the fediverse and thus their mods and admins have an outsized voice, even if federation helps combat that issue.

    Plenty of people like, you'll get different answers if you asked on another community like's AskLemmy.

    • Communists? Really? There is quite a gap between being leftist (which in itself is a term that generalizes multiple ideological position and political views. Look to my home country Denmark and see how many left leaning parties exists. None of them are Communists btw). Sorry if this comes off as arrogant, but are you from the US? I ask because I often see US citizen use this overgeneralization and seem lack knowledge on the difference between e.g. socialism and communism.

      • Lemmy's two main developers are communists so it's a "platform built by Communists" just like said.

      • I'm a Marxist-Leninist, I've read over 2 dozen books on Marxism, you can check my comment history if you want. The lead developers of Lemmy are Communists.

        Also, the Nordics are Social Democracies, not Socialist.

      • Look to my home country Denmark and see how many left leaning parties exists. None of them are Communists btw

        Western bloc countries purged their governments of explicitly communist parties back in the 50s and 60s, during the hottest years of the Cold War. The parties that formed in their wake had many of the same ideological inclinations operating under different monikers. So you've got Red–Green Alliance and more left-leaning voices in the Social Democrats talking about public housing and land reform and a worker-lead democracy, just like explicit Communists in Cuba and Vietnam and South Africa and Korea and India were seventy years ago.

        Similarly, "conservative" parties organized under UKIP, National Front, FDL, or the AfD espousing all the same racist, ultra-nationalist, imperial expansionist views common to 1930s European fascists. None of this shit is new in the material sense. It's just fresh paint on the old frame.

      • I think there is like one party in Folketinget that is even slightly left, Enhedslisten.

    • Plenty of people like

      It's one of the easiest instances to join, thanks in no small part to the focus on growth over doctrinaire censorship. Consequently, a lot of people who don't like .world end up joining it just to get access to the other more tightly administered communities.

    • you’ll get different answers if you asked on another community like’s AskLemmy.

      I suggested OP to do so yesterday, they did then removed their post, not sure why

    • They also defederated from the major Marxist instances.

      From what I recall the issue was that users from those instances acted like weapons grade cunts and it was just easier to defederate from them rather than the admins and mods have to deal with all the issues that came with them. They didn't block them simply because they're Marxist instances.

      • They defederated from Hexbear "as a last resort-" before ever federating with Hexbear.

        In the Lemmygrad defederation thread, there's unsupported claims of hate speech and calls to violence, which we have to fill in the blanks - the mods are anti-Marxist and anti-revolution, so any Marxist instance is going to fail that test.

        The Hexbear defederation thread is somehow worse when they list why instead of leaving it to the imagination. Read some of the top comments, it's clear that it was anti-Socialist in motive. Real spooky scary zingers listed as evidence in the post like “The West’s role in the world, through organizations such as NATO, the IMF, and the World Bank - among many others - are deeply harmful to the billions of people living both inside and outside of their imperial core.” This statement is 100% obvious to anyone not stanning the US Empire.

        Another example listed is “These organizations constitute the modern imperial order, with the United States at its heart - we are not fooled by the term “rules-based international order.” It is in the Left’s interest for these organizations to be demolished. When and how this will occur, and what precisely comes after, is the cause of great debate and discussion on this site, but it is necessary for a better world.” Yet again, they are defederated for being Marxists, and therefore being revolutionary. This is just because they are authentically Marxist, not because posters were mean.

        The mods of are Liberals. Not just any liberals, but "true believers." Marxism is dangerous to them and so they shut it out, they spelled it out plainly.

  • someone comparing .world with .ml in politics

    Everyone to the left of me is a psychotic delusion America-hating Tankie.

    I'm a rational, centrist clear-eyed moderate making fact-based decisions using my extensive expertise on the subject matter.

    Everyone to the right of me is a Russian bot or a troll.

  • I don’t find any issues on .world. Yeah some people say dumb stuff, but that’s just the world isn’t it? I am sure there are others who think the same of me. It’s whatever, some people getting mad at .world are just mad they’re not in an echo chamber.

    But other people complaining about trolls are right, there’s just no place for that. Report, block and move on. It’s not your job to educate anyone.

  • I've been dunking on .world for a while but that's because I'm a hipster and y'all are on the MCU instance

  • My biggest problem with .world is that people will just make up whatever they want about the out-group and everyone just believes it without question and with no interest in examining the evidence. It's a toxic element of the site's culture that encourages circle-jerking and the automatic dismissal of opposing viewpoints while making intelligent and informed discussion impossible.

    The moderation is also pretty heavy-handed with censorship and things get removed for "misinformation" pretty frequently just because the mods disagree with it. You don't have to go very far back in the modlog right now to find removed posts from Cowbee and Alcoholicorn, despite both backing up their arguments with published books from respectable authors. It's best to avoid engaging with the mods at all, I got banned from World News because a mod couldn't defend their position so they just banned me. There's a pretty clear bias towards NATO and the US.

    But like I said my main issue is the first point, and I'll stop judging .worlders when I start to see people actually ask for evidence when someone says, "I saw a bunch of tankies eating kittens" instead of just blindly accepting it as fact because it's about an out-group.

    • You literally just made up a strawman argument, which you then immediately cited as "evidence"?

      Mods are busy. If this is what you tend to do, I don't blame them one bit for not wanting to volunteer their unpaid time to deal with it - for the same reason I now understand better why some women would prefer the bear.

      Now, please downvote me, you know you want to... just this once, I want you to know what it's like to do something with the recipient's consent.

      • for the same reason I now understand better why some women would prefer the bear.

        Now, please downvote me, you know you want to… just this once, I want you to know what it’s like to do something with the recipient’s consent.

        Lmao wtf are you talking about? Am I violating someone's consent by holding beliefs they disagree with? Completely unhinged.

    • out-group

      Can it be an out-group and also have totalitarian control of the platform structure?

      These people made Lemmy. Sorry if their numbers are lower than average. I guess next time around they can make a no libruls allowid sign or something so the other 98% of humans know not to ruin their great fun.

      • totalitarian control

        Lmao y'all are wild. Why are you on a platform where people you don't like have, "totalitarian control" over the structure? Is it, perhaps, because they used this "totalitarian control" to create a structure that was decentralized and allowed communities to form that operated on different rules and different views? Doesn't sound very totalitarian if you ask me.

  • World is the biggest instance. I think this is just a case of people seeing problems there more often. I'm not convinced it's inherently worse than other places.