"Yes, we watched hundreds of thousands of children being killed, maimed, and starved—and we just kept watching," one writer said in response to the powerful clip.
When people ask "What would I have done during [insert genocide or apartheid]?" Your answer is what you are doing now with swapped ethnic situations. Also, the same "they won't come for me next" alliance of corrupt Sunni despotisms are behind the genocide in Sudan as part of an ill-conceived scheme to like, do this insane Africa to India corridor thing Netanyahu raged about like a madman to an empty theater at the UN a month ago, so anyone with solidarity for Palestine should extend it to Sudan as it's literally part of the same WWII-era-style global domination scheme by evil men.
The glaring difference between the two is our level of active involvement.
Solidarity is one thing. Actually doing something about Sudan would require some sort of deliberate intervention.
In the case of Gaza we could likely make a huge difference if we just stopped arming the aggressors.
We don't send arms to Sudan. We don't send arms to Putin. We don't send arms to the Sri Lankan military. We don't send arms to Boko Haram. We don't send arms to Myanmar.
We do send arms to Sudan, via the UAE and Saudi Arabia, who are behind the genocide as part of Israel's plan to dominate all trade in the corridor between Africa and India, as described by Netanyahu at his recent UN appearance. It's literally a second front in the Israeli war for lebensraum.