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CD Project devs want to "call out" big problems like homelessness and the wealth gap in Cyberpunk 2077 sequel
  • Ya I always figured cyberpunk got big in the 80's because it was a commentary of the hyper capitalist neoliberal policies of the era, which have only gotten stronger since then.

    I've never double-checked or researched this but I always thought it made sense.

  • Can Biden be replaced as Democrat nominee? Who could replace him?
  • There's a reason Progressives don't like it. It's that same attitude that led to Biden being picked in the first place, and Clinton before him. They pick the senior person in the Party and then elevate them through donations, the Party apparatus gives them staff, email lists, endorsements, connections to media to push them up, and more to reward them for years of service.

    People are finally realizing maybe we don't live in a great democracy just in time to lose it. At this rate, I'll take anyone who can beat Trump. If it's Biden I'll take it. But I'm not sure it is...

  • ‘The Movement to Convince Biden to Not Run Is Real’
  • Maybe we should've had a real primary with debates and interviews and stuff =(

    We need an America 2 where we can apply all the lessons we've learned, like primary every election and judges that can be recalled easier for corruption.

  • ‘The Movement to Convince Biden to Not Run Is Real’
  • The problem is that there was no live fact checking. Wtf can you do against a constant Gish Gallop of blatant lies? Even if they drugged him, I'm not sure what he could've done with that debate format.

  • ‘The Movement to Convince Biden to Not Run Is Real’
  • They might be talking about her primary run for President specifically, but she had dropped out way before then I'm pretty sure. That is, I am not sure if California even had a chance to vote for her. It's one of the parts that suck about US primaries and being in a late state. Sometimes you don't even get a chance to vote for the person you wanted to vote for before they drop out.

  • ‘The Movement to Convince Biden to Not Run Is Real’
  • Not worth the risk to lose his governorship for a shot in the dark. I don't know why the Democrat Party hasn't been building alternatives for the last 4 years. Hell, I only recall seeing Harris when she was yelling at poor immigrants to stay away. They failed this country.

  • Biden’s debate performance sets off alarm bells for Democrats
  • It takes longer to debunk a lie than to say one. It's easy to spout out a hundred lies in two minutes, but it takes longer than that to debunk them without just saying "No, that's a lie" to every one, which also sounds dumb if Trump is saying that, too.

  • Nature is Fucking Lit
  • I think this may be the best idea so far actually. I'm not sure I have the time or passion to revive a dead community or start a new one, at least not for this particular subject.

    Although I appreciate the other ideas of where to put that community if it ever does get big enough to split off.

  • Nature is Fucking Lit

    I'd love a Nature is Fucking Lit community over here on Lemmy. I just saw the cutest post on Reddit there and I'd love to spread it or see it over here. (I look at reddit without a profile while at my work computer sometimes, don't judge me lol).

    Think I should post it to the one to revive that one? Looks like that hasn't been active in a few months.

    I also wonder if it's better to use this opportunity when it's possibly dead to revive the community somewhere else? Like maybe since nature is connected to science or something? Or maybe the solar punk instance? Is there a better place someone can think of or should we stick to the one?

    What do people think?

    What joke, in otherwise great sitcoms, do you hate?
  • Some of the Scrubs jokes aged badly. I can't remember any specifically, but there was some anti-gay humor and stuff like that. The show I still appreciated enough to get through a rewatch recently and still mostly enjoyed, but some of the individual jokes were hard to sit through. Wish I could remember one lol.

  • Biden pardons thousands of US veterans convicted under law banning gay sex
  • Edited: I wrote a longer rest response but I feel like my long responses will distract from the main topic of the thread. So I'll put some in spoiler text, remove the rest, and that's all I'll say on that. This an emotional topic and can go on forever I'm sure.

    It won't happen if the liberals pressure him enough. That's the thing. He's already made some concessions in rhetoric scared of the changing narrative. We can have both Biden and a stop to a genocide with enough public pressure. The election isn't until November. I don't believe a genocide is the only choice as long as we live in a democracy, can build a movement, and he's a rational candidate (which I think he is).

    Btw it's not just principles.

    People are fucking dying right now dude. It's going to affect the Middle East, millions of refugees will head to surrounding countries, and then it will affect Europe. They will probably turn more fascist as a result, just like from their current immigration crises from Syria and Africa. Plus, now Israel is trying to start wars with Lebanon and Iran, and drag us into WIII. Plus it's causing shipping problems in Yemen. Not to mention the Israeli Super PAC that funds conservative politicians that we allow to run rampant in our country for some reason. It goes on and on. This stuff does affect us whether you like it or not.

    In addition, this is a huge escalation over previous decades. It's another nakba. Almost the whole population is pressed South against Egypt right now. Northern Gaza won't be habitable for decades. It can't get much worse. It's too close for them to nuke, and they've taken out most of the hospitals and seem to have triggered a catastrophic famine. They're killing so fast, they're already looking to start another war before they finish this ethnic cleansing campaign so Netanyahu can stay in office.

    And still vote, I'm not saying don't do that. I will. I'm just saying I get why other people complain about him. I'm sure they'll still vote down ballot, and would even vote for him if he changed tact on Israel.

    I get that Project 2025 is scary, but so is Project 2029, and 3033. We shouldn't have to accept that we'll be an evil empire forever, always choosing between two flavors of genocidal maniac, forever cursed to enact horrible terrors on the international stage, awaiting the inevitable drop into fascism. We can use this moment to get the President to stop bowing to a foreign state that's been troublesome to us for decades. Even Reagan had to smack Israel down.. He's been slowly improving, and I get why other people would use this moment where a possibly sway-able Democratic President is in the office and has a looming election as leverage.

  • Biden pardons thousands of US veterans convicted under law banning gay sex
  • A genocide is actually happening however you choose to spell it or sarcastically pronounce it. It's a serious thing. Children are dying. Millions are becoming refugees. A mass famine is spreading. It's a perfectly reasonable line to draw to not vote for someone enabling it, especially if it can possibly pressure that person to take a better actions to save their job. It doesn't require bad faith arguments or fake troll bots. It requires actual humans with real morals and ethics appalled by what they are seeing and who actually believe "never again" means "never again", especially when it's something done by their government that their voice can possibly change.

    He still has time to improve his stance, if it's not for moral reasons or to save lives, I hope it eventually becomes to save his job and keep Trump out of office, though I'm not sure the movement will ever become big enough to affect his electoral chances with how much influence AIPAC has in our politics, and how much liberal Americans hate Trump more than genocide, so you can probably rest easy on that front.

  • China is attempting to mirror the entire GitHub over to their own servers, users report
  • Ya, I kind of like the idea of code being put somewhere else just in case. It sucks it's China, but I hate to see anything centralized in one company, especially if it's a big public, good like Github and all it's code.

  • Biden pardons thousands of US veterans convicted under law banning gay sex
  • Lol you sound like a Republican yelling about virtue signaling. Who would be against genocide or the guy enabling it? That's impossible! Must be bots or paid actors.

    Biden could do good things but still not have it outweigh causing a genocide in some people's eyes. I may not even agree with them, but I can see from their point of view, and totally empathize with that.

    But yes, this is a good thing. I'd rather we celebrate this good thing without getting side tracked by the bad things Biden has done or arguments about how bad they are.

  • How is LCS Best of 3's So far? (Week 2)

    I know it's probably too early to tell but I've been working weekends lately so it's been hard to watch the LCS and catch up, even though I was excited about this season. How are people enjoying the changes? Bo3's seem like a positive change so far?

    What about people from other regions? Have they had changes to their esports that seem positive or negative so far?

    Do You Add Extra Storage to Your Playstation?

    I'm considering buying some extra storage space for my PS5. Last time I was out of town, my partner tried to play a game and they couldn't, because I deleted it to make room. They went to download it but it was out of space, so of course they didn't want to delete anything. That makes me sad because I want to encourage them to use it and game lol. Plus, I think it would make it easier rather than always downloading and deleting things.

    Have other people bought extra storage for PS5? What kind would you recommend?

    Do you go for internal or external? Do you have the heat sink if an internal one? Is 4TB enough or overkill? I think I saw that amount somewhere once (unless I imagined it) but maybe 1 or 2 TB is good, and probably easier to find.

    Two French Boys Accused of Raping 12-Year Old Girl In Act of Antisemitism Page unavailable

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    How is The Watchers (2024)?

    We're looking at movies to watch for Father's Day and my dad has already watched most of the ones out right now, so that eliminates the ones I want to see (Furiosa, The Fall Guy) and he's not interested in Planet of the Apes. That basically leaves the Watchers.

    Anyone see it yet and have any opinions on it? Going either way to spend time with my father, but want to know how low to set my mind expectations lol.

    Where to Start With Ursula K. LeGuin?

    cross-posted from:

    > I've been seeing her name a lot lately in terms of good science fiction and fantasy. I feel like I've lost so much attention span in terms of my ability to read and stuff and I'd like to start getting back into it, perhaps starting with her (or Terry Pratchett lol). > > If I start with her, what's a good place to start with her work?

    Good Place to Start With Ursula K. LeGuin?

    I've been seeing her name a lot lately in terms of good science fiction and fantasy. I feel like I've lost so much attention span in terms of my ability to read and stuff and I'd like to start getting back into it, perhaps starting with her (or Terry Pratchett lol).

    If I start with her, what's a good place to start with her work?

    What is the up with the beef between Drake and Kendrick Lamar? And what about J. Cole?

    I know they're posting diss tracks against each other, but I'm not sure why? What made this start? And how was J. Cole involved? And how has this feud evolved so far?

    I feel so out of the loop on this one! All I see is reaction images of the songs and Kendrick destroying Drake, but without the context of why they were posted, I'm still confused.

    Wizards Of The Coast President Cynthia Williams Steps Down Wizards Of The Coast President Cynthia Williams Steps Down | D&D News

    It was recently announced that Cynthia Williams be stepping down as the President of Wizards of the Coast. We look at what this means for the future of D&D.

    Wizards Of The Coast President Cynthia Williams Steps Down | D&D News

    cross-posted from:

    > Wizards Of The Coast President Cynthia Williams Steps Down

    FlyQuest vs Team Liquid - LCS Playoffs Finals 2024

    FlyQuest vs Team Liquid - LCS Playoffs Spring 2024

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    [Question] What songs do you listen to when lifting at the gym?

    I was inspired to listen to a few new artists at the gym recently by an FD Signifier video on how lately female rappers are going hard in a way you can lift to while recent male rappers have mostly been going for a more, calm, rambling flow that is probably better for when you're relaxing on drugs or driving or something.

    So I picked a couple of the female rappers he mentioned that were newer than my aged music tastes (Latto, Megan Thee Stallion, etc.) and added some of their songs to my lifting playlist and ya, some of their songs went pretty hard.

    I'm wondering if there are any other good artists I'm missing out on keeping the same rotation forever, so I thought I'd ask the class.

    What songs do you listen to when trying to get pumped at the gym?

    Shopify Rebellion vs 100 Thieves - LCS Week 6, Day 2

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    MATCH 1: SR vs. 100

    Winner: 100T in 28m Match History | Game Breakdown

    ||Bans 1|Bans 2|G|K|T|D/B| |:--|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:| |SR|smolder vi kalista|xayah trundle|46.3k|8|1|None| |100|ivern senna varus|wukong xinzhao|60.7k|16|11|I^1 O^2 H^3 CT^4 B^5 |

    |SR|8-16-15|vs|16-8-35|100| |--:|--:|:--:|:--|:--| |FakeGod renekton 1|1-5-3|TOP|9-4-4|1 jayce Sniper| |Bugi volibear 3|0-5-4|JNG|2-0-8|1 taliyah River| |Insanity karma 2|1-1-3|MID|2-2-5|4 yone Quid| |Bvoy kaisa 2|4-1-3|BOT|3-0-7|3 tristana Meech| |Zeyzal leona 3|2-4-2|SUP|0-2-11|2 nautilus Eyla| ---

    Team Liquid vs Dignitas - LCS Week 6, Day 2

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    ---- !Team Liquid vs !Dignitas

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    Team Liquid 0-1 Dignitas


    ###MATCH 1: TL vs. DIG Winner: Dignitas in 34m Match History | Game Breakdown

    ||Bans 1|Bans 2|G|K|T|D/B| |:--|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:| |TL|vi senna smolder|sejuani aatr|55.8k|7|3|I^7 | |DIG|udyr kalista varus|renekton rumble|65.4k|15|8|M^1 HT^2 H^3 H^4 I^5 I^6 B^8 I^9 |

    |TL|7-16-18|vs|15-7-51|DIG| |--:|--:|:--:|:--|:--| |Impact ksante 3|1-3-2|TOP|4-2-7|4 gnar Rich| |UmTi wukong 3|1-2-3|JNG|0-2-15|3 rell eXyu| |APA taliyah 2|3-2-3|MID|2-2-8|2 ahri Dove| |Yeon aphelios 2|2-5-4|BOT|9-0-6|1 xayah Tomo| |CoreJJ nautilus 1|0-4-6|SUP|0-1-15|1 rakan Isles| ---

    NRG vs FlyQuest - LCS Week 6, Day 2

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    ###MATCH 1: FLY vs. NRG Winner: FlyQuest in 44m Match History

    ||Bans 1|Bans 2|G|K|T|D/B| |:--|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:| |FLY|jayce vi wukong|volibear darius||||B^5 C^6 C^7 C^9 C^11 | |NRG|orianna olaf karma|sejuani xinzhao||||I^1 O^2 H^3 C^4 B^8 B^10 |

    |FLY|0-0-0|vs|0-0-0|NRG| |--:|--:|:--:|:--|:--| |Bwipo renekton 3|0-0-0|TOP|0-0-0|4 rumble Dhokla| |Inspired poppy 3|0-0-0|JNG|0-0-0|3^ leesin Contractz| |Jensen taliyah 2|0-0-0|MID|0-0-0|2 ahri Palafox| |Massu kalista 1|0-0-0|BOT|0-0-0|1 senna FBI| |Busio renataglasc 2|0-0-0|SUP|0-0-0|1 nautilus huhi|


    Immortals vs Cloud 9 - LCS Week 6, Day 2

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    MATCH 1: IMT vs. C9

    Winner: Immortals in 30m Match History | Game Breakdown

    ||Bans 1|Bans 2|G|K|T|D/B| |:--|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:| |IMT|nautilus lucian varus|malphite ahri|59.9k|15|11|H^3 O^5 B^6 | |C9|ivern kalista volibear|leona orianna|49.7k|6|2|C^1 HT^2 O^4 |

    |IMT|15-6-36|vs|6-15-15|C9| |--:|--:|:--:|:--|:--| |Castle jayce 1|6-1-3|TOP|0-3-4|3 aatrox Fudge| |Armao vi 2|2-2-7|JNG|4-4-2|1 leesin Blaber| |Mask taliyah 3|4-2-7|MID|2-4-1|4 akali Jojopyun| |Tactical ziggs 2|2-1-7|BOT|0-1-5|1 senna Berserker| |Olleh bard 3|1-0-12|SUP|0-3-3|2 ornn VULCAN|


    Shopify Rebellion vs FlyQuest - LCS Week 4, Day 1

    Shopify Rebellion vs FlyQuest - LCS Week 4, Day 1

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    !Shopify Rebellion vs !Flyquest

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    Shopify Rebellion 1-0 FlyQuest


    MATCH 1: SR vs. FQ

    Winner: SR in 29m Match History

    -- ---

    ||Bans 1|Bans 2|G|K|T|D/B| |:--|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:| |SR| ashe kalista karma | olaf renataglasc | 58.3k | 21 | 10 | CT^2 H^3 CT^4 B^5 CT^6 | |FQ|senna renataglasc yone|olaf gwen | 49.5k | 6 | 3 | M^1 |

    |SR|21-6-42|vs|6-21-17|FQ| |--:|--:|:--:|:--|:--| |FakeGod aatrox 3|5-2-3|TOP|2-3-3|4 ksante Bwipo| |Bugi wukong 3|7-0-6|JNG|0-4-2|2 vi Inspired| |Insanity orianna 1|1-2-7|MID|3-5-3|2 azir jensen| |Bvoy xayah 2|6-1-11|BOT|0-4-4|1 smolder Massu| |Zeyzal rakan 2|2-1-15|SUP|1-5-5|3 blitzcrank Busio|


    100 Thieves vs Team Liquid - LCS Week 4, Day 1

    100 Thieves vs Team Liquid - LCS Week 4, Day 1

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    !100 Thieves vs !Team Liquid

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    100 Thieves 1-0 Team Liquid


    MATCH 1: 100T vs. TL

    Winner: 100T in 32m Match History


    ||Bans 1|Bans 2|G|K|T|D/B| |:--|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:| |100T|udyr smolder ziggs |nocturne ashe| 61.5k | 20 | 8 | I^2 B^6 | |TL|senna renataglasc yone|olaf gwen | 53.4k | 13 | 3 |CT^1 HT^3 O^4 O^5 O^7 |

    |100T|20-14-54|vs|13-20-42|TL| |--:|--:|:--:|:--|:--| |Sniper aatrox 3|4-4-8|TOP|5-4-5|1 ksante Impact| |River vi 2|0-4-14|JNG|1-5-10|3 sejuani UmTi| |Quid taliyah 2|9-2-8|MID|2-4-10|2 orianna APA| |Meech varus 1|7-1-8|BOT|5-4-5|1 kalista Yeon| |Eyla alistar 3|0-3-16|SUP|0-3-12|4 taric CoreJJ|


    Immortals vs Dignitas - LCS Week 4, Day 1

    Immortals vs Dignitas - LCS Week 4, Day 1

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    !Immortals vs !Dignitas

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    Immortals 0-1 Dignitas


    MATCH 1: IMT vs. DIG

    Winner: Dignitas in 31m Match History

    ||Bans 1|Bans 2|G|K|T|D/B| |:--|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:| |IMT|vi senna renataglasc|taliyah sejuani| 56.8k | 11 | 2 | HT^1 CT^3 M^4 | |DIG|orianna kalista varus|nautilus maokai| 66.7k | 15 | 8 |HT^2 CT^5 M^6 |

    |IMT|11-15-27|vs|15-11-43|DIG| |--:|--:|:--:|:--|:--| |Castle aatrox 2|3-3-5|TOP|2-4-6|2 yone Rich| |Armao ivern 1|3-1-6|JNG|1-3-14|1 tell eXyu| |Mask hwei 3|3-4-4|MID|6-1-7|4 sylas Dove| |Tactical zeri 2|0-3-6|BOT|6-1-4|1 smolder Tomo| |Olleh leona 3|2-4-6|SUP|0-2-12|3 rakan Isles|


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