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As requested: (MLMYM)

As requested by some users: 'old' style now accessible via

Code can be found here: , created by Ryan (Is he here?) (Yes he appears to be! ! Thanks for this awesome front-end!)

  • "I've only had old.lemmy for an hour, but if anything happened to him, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself."

  • I bet there’s a pretty good overlap between “people who preferred” and “people who left Reddit in disgust.” Thank you.

  • While I don't really care about old Reddit style, it's amazing that you guys made it an option for people used to it. Based!

  • Honestly, this is such a damn game-changer it's not even funny. Excellent work.

    Once phone-apps spin up, I think you'll see another massive wave of those abandoning Reddit, which has screwed so many over—including developers.

    Why fix what isn't broke? I appreciate that you've adopted tried-and-truth UI designs to take this site to the next level and improve upon it

  • Whoa, this is a trip. It'd be cool to possibly get an option in our settings to automatically redirect to

  • I feel a calming warmth, like a nice long hug from a warm grandma. An oh so familiar smell, something I slightly remember from my youth, but new, refreshing, like a cool mist from the ocean lightly hitting your face as watch a new day rise. I am home.

  • This is so wonderful. Both easy and familiar to use and inspires much nostalgia of course. This is how I will Lemmy from desktop from now on.

  • Wow, just beautiful and right on time. Was advertising the lemmy community today to friends who got stuck with reddit, and this is just the ringer i was looking for.

    Hope Ryan is here: Thanks mate!! And to Ruud and the other admins: you r doing a great job here. And it is fun to return here every single time, because of the work you invest into this instance!

  • Okay, this is going to significantly increase my Lemmy usage. Thank you so much to the dev(s)! Between having an "" now and Memmy (which does a great job of replicating Apollo) I'm able to almost perfectly duplicate how I liked to browse reddit. Now I'm just hoping someone develops a RES (LES) extension someday!